Mistakes... now that is a word that will make you think! There are so many kinds of mistakes you can make. You can make mistakes with your kids, you can make mistakes at work, you can make a mistake choosing the wrong paint color. Then, there are the BIG mistakes. The mistakes that can cost you your happiness, and make you wonder if you will EVER find happiness again? Being single, and almost 40 is a challenge to say the least. At this point in my life at least, I am a mom of 3 amazing kids. I am the friend, of the most amazing girl friends anyone could ask for. I am the daughter for unbelieveable parents who love me unconditionally. I am a sister to 2 people who I wish I got to spend more time with. But, most importantly, I am a person who has made my share of mistakes!
I may not always be perfect, and I make mistakes along the way, but I do always try to do what is right. You see, when it comes to matters in love, there is not always a right or a wrong answer. You do, what you think is best for you and your family. You pray that one day, God will send you a Godly man, that will love you for exactly who you are and treat you exactly the way you have always dreamed of being treated. You hope and pray that you are able to let your guard down, and allow that person to get close. You hope that you don't make the same mistakes in this relationship that you have made in the past.
No one can tell you if you are making a mistake when it comes to love. You are the only one who knows who makes your heart skip a beat and who gives you those butterflies. You will know when it is right, and you just simply have to have the courage to stand up for what you believe in, and NEVER settle for anything less that what you think is perfect! When you finally find someone that has all the things you are looking for, and you are lucky enough to have them in your life - do NOT take them forgranted! Love them unconditionally and cherish every moment. Life is too short, not to be happy and in love!