I am going to start off by saying... I have the best friends and family EVER! As my birthday week is coming to a close, I could not be any more thankful for the people who surround me on a daily basis. When I look back over the week, I realize the reason it was so special is because I have been surrounded by the ones that I love the most!
This month I did something that never in a million years would I have expected to do... I went SKYDIVING! No... I did not wake up one day and think, "I'm going to jump out of a plane today." J called on a Monday morning, and said, "Mom, do you have plans this weekend?" - I told him that I didn't think so. He then said, "well, I want you to do something with me" - when I asked what, I never expected the answer I got. He said, "I want you to go skydiving with me." I originally just told him whether I jumped or not, I would definitely go, if nothing else but to watch him. He told me he didn't want me to just be there, he wanted me to jump with him. So... what does a mom do when their 21 year old asks them to jump out of a plane? She goes skydiving!
I woke up that morning... super excited! I woke J up, and we went to go meet his friends. Yes.. me and 6 kids that ranged from 18 - 21 went skydiving! And... I would NOT trade one minute of that day for anything. On the drive down (JD rode with me), I got to talk and listen to a 20 year old's view on life. I got to understand a little more about what makes J & his friends so special and unique. This is a group of kids who truly live life to the fullest, and they appreciate the little things. They all understand that life is short, and you deserve to be happy. They are an AMAZING group of kids!
And.. for the record - my favorite part of the day, was right after we hit the ground. J met me and gave me biggest hug, and said, "Mom... I'm so glad you did this with me." The look on his face was worth every dime and minute spent on this adventure.
On a different note... have you ever realized that happiness comes when it is not expected? Sometimes we are looking so hard for something, that we get hit by a truck we weren't expecting. I have always said, that everything in life is about His timing - not ours. That we have to patient... and let God's will be done. In Romans 8:25 it tells us, "But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance." No matter what it is in life, it is important to realize that our lives are about His time and not ours. We just need to be ready to listen, and act upon His words!