This has been a really weird week (for lack of better
terms). There are some things that
happened, that I don’t really understand, and probably never will. I have learned or have been reminded about several
important lessons in life this week. The
first being… family isn’t always blood.
Yes, we all have those blood relatives that support you regardless,
stand behind you and always have your back - but then… you have those people
who you choose to be your family. The
friends that are there through thick and thin, the kids you choose to “adopt,” –
the ones you know will never let you down… they are family, and you love them
like they are your own. You support them
and love them unconditionally – even when you may not like what they do. You support them because they are family –
and that is what you do!

The second lesson is on friendship. Friends are not always perfect… they may
disappoint you and let you down. They may choose to walk away, and you have to
accept that. Friendships have to be
built on mutual respect for one another, and should be unconditional. Friendships should not be selfish – if they
are… they don’t last. The other friendship reminder I received was – you don’t
have to see or talk to someone every day to be friends. You can go for months or even years and pick
up right where you left off – like a beat was never missed. They are the
friends that when you are having a tough day, you pick up the phone, they meet
you for a drink, and make you laugh until you almost pee your pants! They listen, and let you vent – they never
judge. They love you unconditionally for
who you are – when you are wearing shorts that have holes, your hair is a mess,
and did not have any sleep the night before (yep.. true story). They love you just as you are - I am
especially grateful for this friend today!
The third lesson is… we are all human, and we all make
mistakes. Regardless of our title, our
position, or our place in life – we are human.
We are not perfect. We all make
mistakes. The key is to learn from those
mistakes so they are not duplicated over and over. This one has been especially hard for me this
week. Sometimes we have to remember that God has a way of protecting us, and we
should not question this. We should do what is right, regardless of how hard it
The last thing I was reminded of… is how grateful I am for
my sorority sisters. In 1989, I pledged
Kappa Delta and chose to “strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and
highest.” These ladies are my sisters in
every sense of the word. They are the most supportive group of women I know. They are my prayer warriors, cheerleaders, and biggest supporters. They are my
sounding board, and shoulder to cry on.
They are always there if/when needed.
I have said it before, and I am saying it again – when God put us all
together 25+ years ago, it was not a mistake.
He knew we would need each other later in life. This weekend it was proven, that not only are
my sisters there for me, they are always present regardless of what country
they live in, and can even make time for a phone call (even in the Dominican
Republic). I would not trade this group
of ladies for the world, and am forever grateful for each one of them.

So… these are the simple life lessons I was reminded of this
week. Most importantly – I was reminded
of how much I truly LOVE my people!!