We get to determine what we do in life, we make our own decisions. No one is responsible for our actions except for us. Tonight, I was scrolling through Facebook and saw where one of my friends had posted a video about "What is your biggest regret?" As I watched the video, it gave me chills. We can make all the mistakes in the world, and have all the regrets possible today, but tomorrow morning - we have a clean slate. Those things are wiped away.
We also serve an awesome God, who forgives us and gives us a clean slate and what an awesome God is He!! 1 John 1:9 says, "But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from wickedness." When we admit our sins, we agree with with God that our sin is a sin, and we are willing to turn away from it. Once we repent, we have a clean slate!
So... take a minute, think about your biggest regrets and then wipe them away! Jump out of a plane... tell someone you love them...set your goals to improve YOU! This is a new year with new beginnings, and the sky is the limit. We are never guaranteed tomorrow, so live this life with NO REGRET!!