There are many storms that we face in life, and unfortunately - as much as we want to predict what is going to happen... we can't. We don't really know what is going to happen one minute from now - much less one hour, one day, one month, or one year from now. One year ago today, we visited (our now church home) Freedom Church for the first time. My family had been struggling and looking for a new church home for a while. When you have grown up in the same church your whole life - it is hard to make a change...even when you know that is not where God is telling you to be. After being in class with Pastor T and Kevin, I knew I would be visiting their church. From the moment we walked in, we first sat down, and the music started – I knew we were where we needed to be. We had found our new church home! Our first week was the beginning of the series on doubt – for me, it completely hit home. Over the 3 weeks of that series, I began to pray like no other and really focus on getting my life and relationship right with Christ - the way I knew it should be. Little did I know at that time, that He was preparing me for the events to come.
On September 17, 2016 – we had a life changing event. I woke up at 12:48 am on September 17 to my doorbell and phone ringing. When I got up to see what was going on – I was not prepared for what I found. D (who was living with me at the time) had attempted to take her life, and I found her in my den… laying on my couch. In the hours and days to follow, I didn’t know what to do except to pray. I prayed, prayed and then prayed some more. We got her stable and out of CCU, and moved her to stabilization unit in Cookeville. On Saturday, when I went to visit her I took her a Bible - my mom and I had marked some scripture that had helped us through tough times. I told her that God had a greater plan for her and that she was still here for a reason. I didn’t know what it was and neither did she, but encouraged her to pray and read the Bible and see what scripture God led her to. Although, D had gone to church from time to time – she never had that real relationship with God.
That next Sunday was the first of the Inside Out Series… JOY. I sat down in church that morning, completely broken – and Pastor T gave me hope. For the next 3 weeks, each Sunday morning – I knew God was speaking directly to me through him. The next Sunday, I got up and 2 of my kids were sick and one had been in an ATV accident Friday, and everything in me wanted to go back to bed. I walked downstairs, woke D up, and said – let’s get moving, church is calling. She looked at me and groaned, got up and said okay. And… we were off. I cannot explain to you the feeling in me when Pastor T started preaching. God used him to give my sweet girl the EXACT message she needed to hear! She has been struggling and hurting for so long. Pastor T was an answer to prayer!! Over the next 30 days, we had ups and downs, and continue to have them on a daily basis. I can truly look back now (almost a year later) at the 911 call, the ER staff, the days and nights in CCU, and the days since we have been home and I can see God’s hand in every detail, even in the worst of situations.
I say all of this now, as we finished up a series call "Puzzled" this morning. Last week Pastor T said, "you may not be able to see it, but God has his hands on you." This is so very true, but it is so hard to see sometime. So, when we are all worrying about the doubts of today, we must trust in God's tomorrow. The past 2 weeks have been a great reminder for me of everything we have overcome in the past 11 months, and everything we will still need to overcome. As we were reminded this morning, "faith never makes things easy, faith makes things possible."
There are so many things I am grateful for where my church is concerned. I am forever grateful, for God putting Pastor T and Kevin in class with me, at just the right time! I am grateful for having a church family and staff who truly care. I am forever grateful for Chad and him continually inviting K to The Edge on Wednesday nights - and not giving up. There are words to express just how grateful I am and how much love I have for my church family!
Sixteen years ago my life changed forever! I went from being the mom of 2 boys, to being the mom of 2 boys and a GIRL! As I sat in the hospital waiting for the sassy bundle of joy to be born... I was still convinced she would be a boy (even though the doctor's told me different). I had no idea what to do with a girl - I was a boy mom!! What would I do if she had hair? Would I ever want a bow in it? Would she forever wear t-shirts and shorts like the boys? I had no idea what to do with her! But... I learned.
From the time she was born, she stole the hearts of everyone in the house, and she had her brothers (or at least J) wrapped around her little finger. From the time we brought her home, he would pick her up and just hold her - because that's what big brothers do. When I would tell the kids to clean their room, J & C would clean promptly - the princess would sit and wait on J to come to her rescue and yes... he always did! He cleaned her room each week. When she was old enough to walk, she never had to... why, you ask?? Because J carried her! She would sit in her bed each morning and scream in her sassy way, "I need a fruit bar and milk." And every morning, me or the boys would serve the princess breakfast in bed. It seems like just overnight, she grew up!
Now, when I look at her I see the beautiful young lady she is growing up to be. She is just as beautiful inside as she is on the outside. She is kind hearted and always kind to everyone. She is not afraid to speak her mind. If you're lucky enough to be her friend, she is loyal to a fault and she will love you unconditionally. She will love on you and laugh with you. She will make you laugh until you want to pee in your pants! She is the biggest bear hugger of all times, and she is also the queen of "i want someone to rub my head." She is the lover of all animals big and small. She loves her WHOLE family, and more importantly she loves God. She makes me want to be a better person and a better mother on a daily basis. Regardless of anything else, she is my princess and she will always be my baby girl.
Happy Sweet Sixteen K!!! Always know you are loved!!