As a mom, you want your kids to have the kind of friends who will always have their back and are always there for them. As a friend, I want to be the best one I can be. I also try to always be honest and not hurt people's feeling along the way - but, I can tell you that does not always happen. I have watched people who I love struggle lately with friendships and people who have let them down - and it breaks my heart to watch them as they come to the realization that those people are not who they thought they were.
So, what is the true meaning of friendship? For some, it is that one person who is always there and never leaves your side. For others, it may be finding that one person who almost knows you better than you know yourself and who ALWAYS has your best interest at heart.
Friendship can mean so many things to people, and everyone's definition is probably different. Friendship can look different with each relationship. I have one friend that I have known since the day I was born, and although we may not talk on a daily, weekly, or heck...even monthly basis - I know she is ALWAYS there if needed. I have a friend where we have a designated time each week to have a proper catch up session, and that time is dearly treasured. I also have a friend that I talk to on a daily basis - this is my partner in crime, my ability to stay grounded, and the cold harsh truth when no one else has the guts or want to tell you what you need to hear. I also have friends who I see once a year for a girls trip - these are the people who may not be in my every day life, but they are treasured! These are the friends who you are 100% completely yourself, no censorship needed that love you unconditionally always! Not only are we bound by a sisterhood (Kappa Delta), but we have almost 30 years of friendship behind us!
Friendship looks different to everyone! So...regardless of what friends you have or what kind of friend you are - you should always be the best you can be! You don't ever know what others are going through, so be kind always! Give someone a big 'ole hug - you never know when that may be the one thing that turns their day around!
A big shout out to all of my friends who love me daily! I could not do life without you guys!!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10