We all have our favorite memories while growing up. For me ~ some of my all time favorites are of my grandparents. They were my heroes growing up, and although they are both gone now ~ they are still my heroes today. Growing up I would spend weekends at their house, and I truly loved every minute of it. We would all sit downstairs in the den and watch TV...HeeHaw, The Lawrence Welk Show, my all time favorite - The Jeffersons, and whatever else they may want to watch. As the "good shows" were over, granddaddy and I would sit for hours and play cards - he taught me how to play Rummy and Solitaire (with a real deck of cards). We would sit on the couch at the table (which I have in my house today) ~ the table was carved and had a scene on the top. He would tell me stories of what he saw on the table. We would get done with card games, and then move upstairs to the chess table. Then, if I was still bored we would grab Granny, and we would play Sorry. When it was nice outside, we would play yard darts (yes... the real metal darts), climb trees or play golf. There are so many memories that I have with them, that I would NEVER trade for anything! We always sat at the table for dinner ~ that was family time! There was ALWAYS dessert ~ because that's what you had with dinner. I can still remember one night after watching HeeHaw, I asked Granny for a popsicle ~ she said, "Sugar, we don't have any." I thought the world was coming to an end, and just like any good little girl did ~ I went to Granddaddy. I asked the exact same question, but I got a completely different answer. His answer was, "Sugar, we don't have any, but let's go to 7 Eleven." And... off we went. It's funny, he has been gone for years now and I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I was in the 9th grade at Hawkins Jr. High School, and my dad came to pick me up early. I was pretty sure my heart would break that day! As the years have gone by, I so wish he was here to meet my kids and share in their lives. I just know he would be proud! I can imagine what he would have been like with the boys, and how he would spoil my princess. He was my hero, he fixed everything and always made everything right! One big bear hug from my Granddaddy and all the sadness was gone, and everything was right in the world! It's funny... I think I may miss him more the older I am ~ and I did not think that was possible. Tomorrow, he would have been 107! It's hard to believe, he has been gone for so many years ~ but the memories never fade. Happy Birthday Granddaddy! I love and miss you!!