When I chose to rush (now called recruitment), I really had no idea what to expect. There were a bunch of young girls thrown together in a room, but we would all wear the same letters on our chest. We would all go through this thing called college together. It's kind of amazing when you think about it - we all came from different parts of this country, were all different ages, had different interests, different backgrounds - all we had in common originally was this sorority called Kappa Delta. We believed in what KD stood for, and we were"sisters" from the beginning. As the years passed - something truly amazing happened. We formed a bond... a sisterhood... that would withstand the test of time and could never be broken. Here we are, 28 years later, and we all are still the best of friends.
Over the years, as our friendships have grown and our circles have broadened - we have had other people come into our lives who we love just as much! They are the ones that make you realize, its not really about the letters you wore in college (yes, that is a bond that will never be broken) but about the person with a kind heart, who makes your life better by being in it.
We have been through marriages, divorces, births, deaths, kids growing up, people moving away and many other things! But i can tell you the one thing that never change...we don't judge one another - we support one another. We laugh until we can laugh no more, and sometime we cry. When one of us hurts - we all hurt! When one of us celebrates - we all celebrate. It doesn't matter if we saw each other last night, last week, or last year - we pick right up where we left off. We simply love and support each other unconditionally! So, this my friends...is why I LOVE my tribe!!