1 - I am thankful for a God that loves me when I fall short every day.
2 - I am thankful for a family that loves unconditionally at all times.
3 - I am thankful for a family that supports my craziness (and we know there is a lot of it at times.)
4 - I am thankful that I have a job I love.
5 - I am thankful for friends that have turned into family.
6 - I am thankful for Christian parents that share their love for God.
7 - I am thankful that I get to be an aunt to some pretty amazing souls.
8 - I am thankful for church family that I truly love.
9 - I am thankful for lifelong friendships that are as strong today as when we were 12.
10 - I am thankful for my three perfect, precious kids.
11 - I am thankful that my kids truly march to the beat of their own drummer (they always have and always will).
12 - I am thankful for forgiveness and restored friendships.
13 - I am thankful for a big sister who loves me (even when I get on her nerves & laugh at her).
14 - I am thankful for a big brother who has always supported my craziness (never questioning my sanity).
15 - I am thankful for have 2 dad's in my life!!
16 - I am thankful for new friendships and relationships and the craziness they bring to my life.
So... there you have it - my first 15 (well, 16- I added one)! As I'm sitting here writing this - I realize that although I hope that I make sure all of these people know how much I love and appreciate them, I should really do a better job on telling them every day!
"I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers," ~ Philemon 1:4