Monday, October 8, 2018


Over the past two months, there have been lots of changes in my life.  The big change...the baby of our family (our princess) has started to spread her wings.  Now, let me just say - this has not been easy (for either of us). On August 12, we packed our cars and were ready to move her to Chattanooga the next morning and let her start her next adventure.  We made it through move-in day, said our quick good-byes and I got back on the road headed home.  That afternoon...her adventure began.

The first thing on her agenda was her first meeting to start the week of sorority recruitment (rush).  Now - let me tell you... I can confidently say that I was way more nervous than she was.   It immediately took me back in time 28 years, when I went through rush.  I can remember the nerves and the feelings of not knowing what will happen next.  As she went through the week, every evening I got a phone call giving me an update on what had happened that day.  Now, let me say - everyone that knows me, knows that my sisterhood in Kappa Delta is priceless to me.  I truly believe that God knew what he was doing 28 years ago, when we all ended up in our chapter room together.  Still to this KD sisters are some of my best friends! Also, before I go any further - I told her from the very beginning, "I'm never going to be upset if you don't pledge KD, I just want you to find your people - your home."  Now...yes, I said this - but y'all deep in my heart, I really was hoping and praying for olive green and pearl white.

As the week went on, Thursday night - she called after she turned everything in and said, "Mom, I really want to be a KD.  I don't know what happened tonight, but when I went in the house - I knew that's where exactly where I wanted to be." Y'all, this was like music to my ears. After preference, I got the call that she had put KD as her first choice, and she wasn't sure that she would accept a bid from another sorority.  So - you can only imagine the nerves over the next 12 - 15 hours.   The other thing I will say here - I did not go through any of this alone.  I had all of my KD sisters by my side every step of the way.  We  had a group text message, so everyone could get a play by play of what was happening.  They  texted and called K offering words of encouragement - making sure she was enjoying the whole experience.  On Bid Day,  I sat on the phone with one of my dear sisters who was going through her own personal trials (leading up to the days of losing her mom), but - she wanted to be there in some form when I got the call.  The call finally came, "Mom, I'm a KD," and yes - there were tears.

Fast forward... last night I got the honor of pinning my sweet daughter.  It was a moment that I will not forget.  As I sat as an alum, and took in the whole initiation process (from a whole different view) - there were several things that were very clear.  We all come from different backgrounds, and different walks of life - but a sisterhood can bring you all together.  You grow to love these people, you depend on these people, and they become your family.  You realize whether it is 10 years, 20 years or almost 30 years later - that these are your people!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

BE the change

Tonight I sat down to write because it's something I haven't done in a while and I really wasn't sure what I wanted to say.  I have a million random thoughts, but honestly - I'm not sure that I could make heads or tails out of them to actually have them make sense.  So..,I did what I always do when I get to this place - I picked up my Bible to see what God has to tell me. I sat my Bible down and just let it fall open to wherever it may.  As soon as I looked down at the page - I read exactly what I needed to hear.

"Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is my chosen one, who pleases me. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or raise his voice in public. He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. He will bring justice to all who have been wronged. He will not falter or lose heart until justice prevails throughout the earth. Even distant lands beyond the sea will wait for his instruction." Isaiah 42: 1-4

Y'all...this is exactly what I needed to hear! How many of us just simply get broken down and feel defeated? This is just the reminder that I needed.  Christ will not toss us aside if we are struggling...he won't throw us away and view us as being useless.  He will pick us up...he will not crush us when we are weak. Every single one of us should strive to have the same values and attributes that are mentioned in this passage.  How desperately do we need these things in our world today? Building people up, instead of putting them down. Talking calmly to others, instead of raising our voices and yelling. As children of God, we should be reflecting his goodness and honesty to everyone we meet. If all of us were truly living like this, could you imagine what this world would be like? What a difference we could all make! 

So, my challenge to each of you is to be that change this week - be the hands and feet of Jesus.  When someone is having a bad day at the one who will listen and offer solutions. When  kids are driving someone crazy...offer to babysit, maybe the parents just simply need a break. When someone just simply wants to pull their hair out and have a good cry - don't just walk away, be present and listen,  maybe they just need a hug and to know someone cares.

The simplest way I know to sum this up is be kind.  Be kind always!