Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Honesty... is it too much to ask?

Ok, all you single moms out there. Honestly, where do you find a good man that is honest, that has integrity, and is not a liar?!? I am absolutely amazed at the lines some people will feed you. I mean really - you are out dancing and a guy comes up and says, " Do you wanna dance? I have a girlfriend but she says I can dance with you because you are beatuiful." REALLY??? How long did it take him to come up with that, and why did he think it would work. Then the next question was, "Can you put your number in my phone?". Please go back and look at the first question.... he has a girlfriend! Is this all we have to look forward to when you are dating and you are close to 40? If so... we are in big trouble! I understand that good men are few and far between, but is it so hard to expect that you might find one that is "kind of good"? It never ceases to amaze me at the number of slime bags out there.

You find the man of your dreams, you fall in love and you think you will finally get your happily ever after. Then... you figure out that the ex-wife is controlling and manipulative and he is never going to be allowed to be happy, because it is her mission in life to make him pay for divorcing her. So, tell me this, why does anyone think that this behavior is ok? And why is the ex-wife allowed to get away with it? When is she accountable for her part of the failed marriage and her actions? Why can't we all be honest, and accept what has happened and move on?

All any of us want is our fair tale ending. Our "happily ever after". So, as I continue to weed through the slime bags one at a time, I will still be holding my breath waiting for my own prince charming.

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