Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blessings in disguise...

So, let me just start off by saying... I am sitting here writing this morning, after not having much sleep and possibly ready to beat the cutest dog around (that would be Lily).  I have approximately a million random thoughts running through my mind, and can't even focus. So... there is no telling what may possibly end up in this post.

The past six months have been all about helping people.  For anyone who knows me, they know that I do not tell anyone "no".  I tend to say yes to everything, over extend myself, and then wonder why I totally exhausted and cranky at times.  Then there are the times, that you help people and you know you have done the right thing whether others agree or not.  You are doing what you believe in the core of your being is right. You  see, I believe that we all have times in our lives when we will need something. It may not be a major event ~ it may be that we need a simple hug, or it may be that we need an ear to listen. I would like to think that in the time of need, those people will be there for me.  Although, I am not so naive to believe that it will happen.  As I get older, I tend to care less about what people think of me.  I do not do for others for recognition in any sort.  I help others, simply because that is what I do.   When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, one (rather large) family in particular ended up in Hendersonville, TN.  I contacted the hotel they were staying at, to see what their needs may be.  As I organized and prepared dinners for this group, I realized that I was the one who would be truly blessed by them!  They had an incredible story, and they were the epitome of what a family should be. They showed me what true love in a family is and should be. Over the next several weeks and months, my family got to know them and we fell in love with them.  In the process of giving them what they needed, God blessed me and my kids with lifelong friends.  I saw this quote the other day, and it is so true:

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands ~ one for helping yourself, and one for helping others" ~ Audrey Hepburn

I guess the point of this today is ~ help someone!  From my experience, you will get 100 times more out of it, than the person you are helping and you will be the one who is blessed!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Things I have learned...

Sitting in my happy place (my kitchen) this morning ~ there are about a million random thoughts running through my head.  So... I'm not even sure where to start.  It seems as I get older, I am constantly reminded of how short life really is.   I have friends fighting for their lives, saying good-bye to loved ones and everything in between.  Not only are these things happening around me, but I look at my kids and realize they are growing up as well.  I look at them and simply wonder, "How did this happen?"... they are almost grown, and their days in my house are truly limited.  I have tried to teach my kids to be respectful, love others, give unconditionally, be happy and above all else... live a Christian life and love God.   Now... I understand although these things sound simple ~ they are not.  They are not easy for adults, much less kids.  I have also learned as I get older, my mom is a lot wiser than I ever gave her credit for.  She has truly taught our family what loving unconditionally means.  So... with all of this being said, here are a few of the things I have learned:

  • Just because you are older, does not mean you are wiser.
  • The little things in life are normally the ones that matter most.
  • Never underestimate the power of a smile and hug.
  • Words can be forgiven, but not forgotten.
  • Laughter is truly the best medicine.
  • Family is not always blood.
  • Be thankful for everything, and take nothing for granted.
  • A simple good morning can change a person's day.
  • God put people in our lives for a reason.
  • Never miss a chance to tell someone you love them ~ you don't know if you will have that chance again.
These are just a few things, that I have learned along on the way.  Please feel free to comment, and tell me what you have learned.  You never know what others are going through - and you might have words of wisdom to help them out.  So, for today... go give an unsuspecting person a hug, or tell them you love them ~ it might just make their day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


As I look back over choices I have made ~ there are some that I am proud of and there are some that I am not.  We all make choices on a daily basis.  We choose our friends, we choose where we want to work, we choose our actions, we choose to give others love and respect,  and most importantly ~ we choose our words.  There are some things you can take back or change if you are not happy with the choice you made, but... your words can never be changed.  Words have the ability to hurt and destroy people, or they have the ability to encourage and build others up! Proverbs 16:24 says. "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."  What would happen, if every day we chose to encourage and give compliments - instead of tearing down others?  In everything we do we have a choice ~ we can do it our way or we can do it God's way!  Can you imagine how our lives would be different if we lived our lives His way, instead of our way? Just imagine what our blessings would be!

We all make mistakes (I know I do) and none of us are perfect ~ but if we stop and consider our choices, maybe we would hurt less and be happy more.  As we make our way into the new year, I encourage everyone to choose their words wisely. Choose to build up, compliment, encourage ~ and imagine the difference you could make!