Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blessings in disguise...

So, let me just start off by saying... I am sitting here writing this morning, after not having much sleep and possibly ready to beat the cutest dog around (that would be Lily).  I have approximately a million random thoughts running through my mind, and can't even focus. So... there is no telling what may possibly end up in this post.

The past six months have been all about helping people.  For anyone who knows me, they know that I do not tell anyone "no".  I tend to say yes to everything, over extend myself, and then wonder why I totally exhausted and cranky at times.  Then there are the times, that you help people and you know you have done the right thing whether others agree or not.  You are doing what you believe in the core of your being is right. You  see, I believe that we all have times in our lives when we will need something. It may not be a major event ~ it may be that we need a simple hug, or it may be that we need an ear to listen. I would like to think that in the time of need, those people will be there for me.  Although, I am not so naive to believe that it will happen.  As I get older, I tend to care less about what people think of me.  I do not do for others for recognition in any sort.  I help others, simply because that is what I do.   When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, one (rather large) family in particular ended up in Hendersonville, TN.  I contacted the hotel they were staying at, to see what their needs may be.  As I organized and prepared dinners for this group, I realized that I was the one who would be truly blessed by them!  They had an incredible story, and they were the epitome of what a family should be. They showed me what true love in a family is and should be. Over the next several weeks and months, my family got to know them and we fell in love with them.  In the process of giving them what they needed, God blessed me and my kids with lifelong friends.  I saw this quote the other day, and it is so true:

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands ~ one for helping yourself, and one for helping others" ~ Audrey Hepburn

I guess the point of this today is ~ help someone!  From my experience, you will get 100 times more out of it, than the person you are helping and you will be the one who is blessed!

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