Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving thanks..

As I am sitting in my favorite spot this morning, my house is quiet, the kids are still in bed, my daddy is here visiting, the dogs are playing. I have a job I love, and the people I work with are awesome. Yes... all is good in my little part of the world. I have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, but most of all I am thankful for my friends and family that love and support me unconditionally - there is nothing better!

Friendships are truly a gift from God - we should always be there to support one another and build each other up.  They give us so many things we need - encouragement, love, and honesty (even when you don't want to hear it).  Friendships take time... you have to nurture them, and invest time and energy into them if you want them to grow. Yesterday, I talked to a friend I had not talked to in over 20 years - we started talking, and picked up where we left off. It  was awesome to see the things that God has done in his life.  It was even more awesome, knowing that maybe - just maybe - you and your family had a small part of being the positive influence. Honestly... I could not be more proud of him and the things he has accomplished in his life. I am so very grateful that I still have awesome friendships from every time in my life!

As for my family - I think I have the best one around!  The older I get, the more I appreciate everything my parents have done for me and my kids. And.. I know I should tell them more often that I love them and thank them for everything they do.  My kids... well they are amazing!  Not only do I have three amazing kids that are mine - I have three "bonus" kids that I have the privilege of loving on every day.  There is nothing better than Sunday night family dinners that are full of laughter, surrounded by people you love.

This holiday season... I encourage to spend time with family and friends, give great big bear hugs (they're the best) and be sure to tell everyone how much you love them!

Happy Thanksgiving!

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good"
1 Chronicles 16:34

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Relationships and Friendships

Have you ever noticed (especially when you are single) everyone around you tends to have relationship advice?  Everyone knows exactly what you need, and exactly what you are missing in your life.  It's funny... everyone around you wants you to be happy.  They want you to have that someone special in your life.  Honestly...they mean well, they want to be sure you are getting everything you want out of life, and they simply want you to have the same happiness they do.  These types of people are the ones you want in your life - they are the ones that love you and only want what's best for you!

Everyone says that the best relationships start with the best friendships first...while I am sure that is a true statement, there are also times in life where you have truly found your best friend... that's all.  So, when you find that one person that you truly enjoy spending time with, that makes you smile, that loves your sarcastic tone and they not only tolerate but love your crazy kids.  This person is the one who confronts you when you make bad decisions, and they are your biggest cheerleader and supporter. Why take the chance of messing it up with the "other" stuff? The "other" stuff is what adds the possibility of losing your best friend. also have the possibility that you really could be missing out on the relationship of a lifetime - the one you have always dreamed about.

I guess my point in all of this is... there are times in your life where you may make decisions that everyone does not agree with, they make think you have not thought the process through. Decisions may be made that even your are unsure of - all you can do is surround yourself with people you love, ask them to support your decision and pray that your are living out God's will.

Today...I know I am blessed by having the best friends and family around!