We have a BIG God! Although, I have always had a relationship with God - it is a great place to be when you can look at all the craziness and tragedies that happen, and see God's hand protecting you and your loved ones every step of the way.
Always appreciate your friends and family! Yes.. we always love our friends and family -but, how often do we stop to tell them that we appreciate them? I can tell you - not near enough. In the past six weeks, I can honestly say my friends and family have been my rock. They are the ones who shower you with prayer when you don't have the strength to pray, the ones who show up with food unannounced - because they know you won't eat otherwise. The ones who call you just to say they love you. APPRECIATE them and tell them you love them every day!
If you love someone - tell them! How many times in life do we neglect telling our loved ones just how much we love them? All too often! We tend to forget that sometimes, we just need to hear it. We need someone to reassure us that we are loved and valued. Don't let another day pass without telling your loved ones you love them - you never know if that will be the last opportunity you may have.
No matter how old your kids get - you will always worry! Regardless, if your kids are grown or not, whether they live at home or not, whether they are 44 or 22 - as a parent, you will always worry! This is not going to change, so we all need to remember being a parent does not stop when your children turn 18. It is something that remains with you forever. And... they will ALWAYS be your babies.
When you pray and ask God for something, be prepared to run through the door He opens for you! All too often, we pray for things and we wait for an answer. But, when we get the answer - we do not act, because it may not have been the answer we wanted. It is not our job to question God, it is our job to follow His direction.
Be thankful! Be thankful for everything you have been given in life. A loving family, children... even the little things like a roof over your head and food on the table. Be thankful for those who love you as family, even when there is no blood relation. Be thankful for siblings, who love you unconditionally - they are the only ones who know everything you have been through in life. Be thankful for those people who can give you a big bear hug, and you know everything is going to be all right. Be thankful for nieces and nephews who bring joy to your life! Honestly... be thankful for all things!
Take a look around and be truly thankful for everything God has blessed you with. Be sure to hug your parents, your kids, your loved ones - tell them you love them and don't take them for granted.
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