I make mistakes & my kids make mistakes. I have friends who are gay, lesbian, and straight. I am not perfect and will NEVER claim to be. I have few TRUE friends, and I cherish them dearly. I have new friends that I am growing to love daily. I love my family more every day, and I know I do not always tell them I appreciate them like I should. I am a Jesus lover, and proud of it! I daily work on my relationship with Him, and I know I stumble. I also know He is a forgiving God that loves us! I try really hard not to judge others, although I fail at times. I am loyal to a fault, but when you push me to my limit I have no trouble walking away. I am capable of making my own decisions, mowing my own grass, and fixing my own stuff. Would it be nice to have help...yes, but it is not mandatory. I am a big girl, and I can get it done! I love social media - it has its faults, but it also has allowed me to reconnect with sorority sisters and lifelong friends. It gives my family that lives out of state the ability to watch my kids grow up and vice versa. I am stubborn and hardheaded. If I believe in something I will stand my ground to the end. I will apologize when I'm wrong, and I will also forgive. I will tell people I love them because you never know when someone really just needs to hear it and be reminded. I always support my kids and love them unconditionally - even when I don't agree. I believe that everyone should always have that one person who always has their back, that you can always depend on. I have been divorced for 11 years, and it has not always been easy. I have also had relationships over the past 11 years that have not lasted, all for different reasons. When they ended it was not one person's fault - and I'm okay with that. I started praying several years ago for whoever that person may be that God brings in my life. I have no idea who it will be, or if it will be anyone, But... I do know that God has a plan and His plan is always better and greater than my own.
I say all of this to ask everyone to remember to be kind and respectful. We are all going through things in life that are hard...no one knows about these things or needs to know about them. There are things that happen that no one will ever understand except the people involved. We are all put on this earth for a short time, and we do not know when our time will be up. So, I will choose to be happy, love my people and love my God.
Happy Sunday y'all!
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