As we were on our way home, we stopped for lunch and kept ourselves busy. Then we walked in the front door last night, and it was quiet. I walked into C's room, and it was perfectly clean and picked up. There was no laundry on the floor, there were no dirty glasses on his table, and his closet was perfectly organized! That is when it all hit me... he isn't coming home. We are starting on a list of firsts. To start with, he won't be home for Valentine's Day (not a huge holiday, but we have traditions), Easter, or his brother's birthday. He won't be wrestling with Sadie in the den floor, and he won't be making the crazy bird noise that drives me CRAZY!!!
Not only is there an empty place in my life with this kid, there is one in the families of his friends who have loved my sweet boy like their own! This kid (since the day he was born) has stolen the hearts of everyone he has met - he has never met an enemy. When I think about the little boy who started kindergarten, and the young man who got on that bus yesterday - all I can say is WOW! Y'all, when he started kindergarten - he wouldn't even walk in the door. He wrapped himself around my legs, while his saint of a teacher (Ms. Parker) pulled him off and worked her magic every morning! I said it when he was in her class, and I will say it again... she is a SAINT!!! She made that boy love school more than any other, and gave him confidence at the age of 5. After kindergarten, there was no stopping him!
As I have read the comments on Facebook over the last several days, I am so blessed that he had such amazing teachers who each brought something different into his life. They each challenged him in different ways, and helped shaped him into who he is. Ms. Parker, Ms, Schulte, Ms. Lockhart and Ms. Pappas are some of his all time favorite elementary school teachers and I cannot ever thank them enough for the amazing job they did. Then you have the middle school and high school teachers who had an impact each day! From Ms. Pulley in middle school to Coach Anderson in high school - they all believed in him and shaped him along the way!
So... to all the parents who have kids wanting to join the military (and I know a few), here's what I will tell you - let your kids follow their dreams. Support them and love them. Yes... it's scary, but you have done an amazing job raising these young men and teaching them to reach for the stars! It is going to be hard, but when you watch your child do what he believes in - there is no better feeling... be proud!
Not only is the next chapter in C's life starting, but the next chapter in my life is starting too. With both of my boys now gone, I am down to one sweet princess being at home. Things are changing around here (and we all know I don't like change), but... I am one proud mom watching the kiddos follow their own dreams, and be the person God created them to be!

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