Being still - perhaps being still is calming your mind by letting God take control or maybe it is simply listening to His voice instead of our own. I think so many times we get caught up in what we want in life, and we let worry take over and we forget to listen to what He has to say. In Exodus 14:14, it tells us, "The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." Wow... that sounds so easy right?? What would happen if we prayed, and asked Him to fight our battles for us? Do you think the outcomes would be different if we were to listen to His answer, instead of our own? And what about our mistakes?? Do you think that if we were to sit still and listen He may show us what we are doing wrong? In Job 6:24, we are told, "Teach me, and I will be silent; make me understand how I have gone astray." Y'all... I know that I get caught up in what I want, what my kids want, what my family wants AND I know that I forget to ask what HE wants! Can you even imagine how your life would change if we were simply sat still and silent and actually listened?
As this week continues, here is the commitment I am making to myself. I will pray about everything! I will be still and I will wait patiently on an answer. As a matter of fact, y'all may want to pray for me to be patient (definitely NOT my strong suit). I will also be praying for the many people in my life who have big decisions to be made. As my wise friend said, "sometimes you just have to be still."
On a side note... please pray for my soldier this week. C is finishing up his combined Basic Training and AIT, and beginning today was starting his last field training exercise (which is a week long). This is the last in a long line of physical, emotional, and mental endurance exercises he will have to complete before graduation. So... please just keep him in your prayers!
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