We made it through elementary school, and as we moved into middle school and got to high school - I knew we were in for a change. I watched this little boy grow up right before my eyes. I watched him start marching to the beat of his own drummer, becoming this laid back child that nothing could rattle. He did his own thing, and honestly never cared if anyone liked him or not. He loved his friends and family fiercely (and still does), and entertained us all with his sense of humor. Every teacher and administration person at the schools loved him (and I'm not exaggerating)! When he graduated...that is when things got real.
After graduation, C enlisted in the Army and life as we knew it and our whole family dynamic changed. Not only had he chosen to serve our country, we were choosing to support him unconditionally. This meant that we would no longer be together for birthdays and holidays. It meant that his first duty station was over 3.000 miles from home. It meant that holidays were no longer dictated by a calendar, but by when we were all together. Over the last 18 months while he has been in the Army, I have watched him turn into a confident, full of life young man.
Tomorrow, my sweet middle child will be 20! And, I look back at his life and how it has flown by. I could not be more proud of what he has accomplished and what he has sacrificed. My little curly headed boy that I have loved his entire life has become my HERO! Happy 20th Birthday C... I can't wait to see what you accomplish in the next 20 years.
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