28 sleeps. This is the way we count down when big and important events happen in our home...we count the number of sleeps. As many sleeps as we have counted down over the years, this may be one of the biggest ones yet. This is the number of sleeps until we move the princess (and the baby) to college for her to start the next chapter of her life. I feel like I have blinked, and here we are 18 short years later. The baby of the family has grown up and there is not a thing I can do about it!

She is our princess, and if you know her - you KNOW that she IS the princess! I will tell you though, she is the sweetest princess I know! After having two boys, when I was told I was having a girl I did not believe the doctor. Then... here she was. My little curly headed, 7 lb. 9 oz. baby girl. Y'all... I had NO idea what to do with a girl. She has been full of sass and sweetness since day one and has had her brothers wrapped around her little finger since the beginning. She is so many things to me... my road trip partner, sous chef, dance partner in the kitchen, duet partner, steering wheel dancing partner and most importantly... my prayer warrior!

As I have watched her spread her wings, she has never ceased to amaze me. She works hard, sets goals AND achieves just about every one of them. If she is having a bad day, I come home to find devotion books and Bibles. This is her way of receiving comfort that no one else can provide. She loves her God, and is not afraid to tell anyone. She is kind, loyal and loves BIG! Oh and... she is one of the funniest people I know!! God knew exactly what we needed when He gave her to us!
As I soak in the next 28 sleeps...I try to remember that our family dynamic is changing once again. And then... I remember that she is going to do AMAZING things!
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
~Proverbs 22:6~
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