Thursday, February 4, 2010

One of those days....

Have you ever just had one of those days, that you just want to simply end? You want to erase it from your memory, and act like it never happened? Well.... I have not just had one of those days, I have had one of those weeks! The kids FINALLY went back to school yesterday, after five thousand snow days (not really five thousand, just felt like it), and life has returned to some sort of normalcy. My oldest son was given a curfew citation, earlier in the week, because he was standing outside of his friends house, talking to other friends. Now honestly... he was not running all over town, he wasn't smoking pot, not drinking... just simply talking! Please tell me all the Small Town USA police officers, why? I know there is not a lot of action, but really? REALLY? why bother teenagers that are basically good kids hanging out talking? I am very frustrated by this event, not to mention the other s&*% that has come along with it. Now, we will go to court, pay court costs, and spend a jillion dollars, because he was standing outside of his friends' house talking! Crazy I say... crazy!!! Enough of the kids...

As I sit and write this, I wonder if one single person has ever read this. Not really sure, but I will continue on because if nothing else, it is a great place to vent and get all my anger out and really not piss anyone off! So...we will move on to the dating life, or lack thereof! After my divorce (2 1/2 years ago) i was convinced, that I would find Mr. Right. As a matter of fact, last year I was pretty sure I had found him. Then, here comes the controlling ex-wife. As you can only imagine. They had been divorced/separated longer than I had, she had left him on a couple of occasions, kicked him out of the house, and was happy he was gone. Then, he starts dating (me, of course). Crazy (the ex-wife) has now decided she wants him back and will go to any and all lengths to get him to come home. After faithfully trying, and not succeeding for months... she decides she doesn't need him after all because guess what ... she can make our "new, perfect dating life" hell! Yep... I said it. She was out to make us miserable. After months of us going back and forth, fighting over her and the way she controls and manipulates him, I said the magic words,"I'm done!"

As I met the girls for drinks last week, I had decided that no longer would I be looking for "Mr. Right" I now would be looking for "Mr. Right Now". My goal for the remainder of this year is to have a big time at everything I do! I am going to officially make this the year for having fun!! So, to anyone who is single, I would encourage you to look for "Mr. Right Now" while you are waiting on "Mr. Right" to come along!

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