You know the feeling when someone makes you smile? Not just the silly grinning you do, but when you truly smile from the inside out. That is the feeling I have this morning. This is something I have not had in a really long time! It seems that someone can make you smile and give you hope when you least expect it. You see, I don't expect a whole lot out of anyone. I simply want the little things in life. I want to be excited at the end of the day when I hear the garage door open. I want to have coffee with someone in the morning, that I think is the world's best. I don't really care what anyone else thinks, I want this person to be perfect in my eyes! I want to love them with all my heart, and I want them to love me! So, after talking to a friend last night, for the first time in a really long time, I am cautiously optomistiic!
Enough about me... now on to my kids. At this house, football season is officially over. J had a great game last week, in the last game of his high school football career. He had 5 receptions for 97 yards, and a touchdown. As the season ended, it was bittersweet. It is the end of one chapter in his life. We have also submitted college applications. I know we have to give our kids wings, but it is really hard to let them fly! For a really long time, it has been just me & J. The thought of him not being here with me next year, makes me sad. You see, he is only 17, but he is my best friend. We have grown up together in his life, and I could not be more proud of him. He is truly my best accomplishment in life.
I ran into C's math teacher in the grocery last week. He informed me that I had a "brilliant math kid". I was very quick to assure him that he did not get those math skills from me. It's always a good feeling to get compliments on your kids. K on the other hand has lots of things going on. She auditioned for select choir at school and made it. She also auditioned for singing & dancing parts at church in the Christmas program. She got those parts as well, and has 2 solos, and a dancing part.
As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I am reminded about all of the things I have to be thankful for! I have 3 perfect kids, who I love more than life itself.... they are the loves of my life!
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