Over the last few weeks, as people have found out that C has enlisted in the Army and was sworn in - there have been lots of questions from friends and loved ones. These questions have been asked a million times, "Are you okay with this?" and "Are you scared?" The answer to both of these questions is YES! Yes, I am okay with the decision he has made to defend our country and protect our freedom. Yes, as a mom I am scared. And honestly - what mom wouldn't be? Along with me being scared - I am also absolutely, 100%, completely proud of his decision!I have tried to raise my children to think for themselves, believe in themselves, stand up for what is right, and I have encouraged them to follow their dreams. I have provided a home where we pray for each other, cheer each other on, and believe in each other. And most importantly - we LOVE each other... and we love big! On January 17, as a family - we will go and watch C get on a bus to start a new chapter in his life. He will be leaving for Basic Combat Training and AIT, and I know that for 15 weeks, my child will get the best training the United States Army has available. And yes - I will be okay with it and scared all at the same time. I also know that when I get to Ft. Benning at the end of this for graduation - I will see a drastic change in him as a person. He will have grown up from a little boy to a soldier almost overnight. And, while he is gone - he will know that he has the unconditional love and support of his crazy family waiting for him at home! So...I'm sure the next 20 days are going to fly by. I am asking for each of your to keep my sweet C in your prayers (and for that matter - our whole family). This is definitely going to be an adjustment for all of us, but we are ready! And... just know - that I will probably need a hug if I run into you and chances are, I may cry. So - all of my friends and family have been warned! :) You always hear it takes a village to raise your children, and I am so very thankful for my village who have loved on my sweet kids through the years! You are all loved!!
As a single mom, there are many daily challenges that have to be faced. You are juggling work, kids schedules, paying the bills, going to church, laundry, feeding dogs, taking out trash, cleaning, and oh... you still need to visit and spend time with family - and there are approximately 10 million other things going on at the same time. And, somewhere in the middle of this - you may actually want 5 minutes to yourself! There are days when you want to scream and yell... and you do! And... then there are days you are so proud of those little people that you cannot stand it. There are also the days when they are younger, that you deal with the fits and tantrums and then just like that... they decide they don't really hate you & you are the one that gets all of the bear hugs, kisses and the I love you's! I have been a single mom for over 10 years, and I must say - it has been one of the most challenging and one of the most rewarding things I have ever done! I have watched my 3 blessings turn into these amazing adults (and one almost adult). They are caring, kind hearted, funny and they are each completely different. I have encouraged each of them to follow their dreams, and live each day to the fullest. Now... I must say - when I say "follow your dreams," it is not always the easiest on me. But, I do believe it is not my place to judge them - it is my place to support them unconditionally so they know they are loved! WIth that being said.. you expect your kids to go to school, graduate, and then go to college (if only it were that easy). I have one that is a free spirit, who has a great job, a house, and is living life to the fullest each day. I have one who is in high school, with all of her goals set out before her. And then...I have the other one. My sweet, baby faced C! We had talked about the options in the military before, but when he started school in the fall - I thought that thought was officially over. But... not so much! I got a phone call that went like this, "Mom... I'm on my way to talk to an Army recruiter." Y'all... I can't tell you how many emotions went through me at one time. I cried, I got excited, and I was so super proud I couldn't contain myself. Going through this process has been a whirlwind of emotions. I am watching my sweet baby boy grow up right before my eyes. It is crazy! I have watched him take full responsibility completing everything that is needed, and going to tell him family members personally about his decision. I am looking at him (knowing he is grown), and yet I still see him as a little baby! Y'all it's crazy!! Each day we are a step closer to him leaving, and each day I grow more proud and my heart hurts just a little more - all at the same time! I can honestly say, that going into the military is one of the most selfless things an individual can do! So...if you see me in the next few days, just know that I may burst into tears, and I will most definitely need a hug!
I have friends ask me all the time, "Isn't being a single parent hard?", "Do you ever just need a break?" They answer to both of those questions is... YES!! It is hard and you do need a break! But... I can tell you, it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done and when I look at my kids - I am so proud of each of them, and I love them more than life!!
So... the weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite! The Christmas tree goes up, Christmas music is playing, K and I get new fuzzy Christmas socks (corny...but we LOVE them), coffee is in Christmas coffee cups and we get to spend extra time with family and friends. They are the weeks where everyone is in the holiday spirit and if you are in my house - you just might walk into random dance parties while Kenny & Dolly's Christmas CD is blaring throughout. One of my favorite things about the holidays is tradtion! I am a HUGE tradidtion person (and, if you know me - this does not surprise you) - I hate change. I like to know at Thanksgiving we will go to my sister's (although this year we went to mom's), and we are going to eat the same meal we have eaten for years before. I like to know that at Christmas, we are going to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church, we are going to mom's and presents will be opened at approximately 9:00pm, we we all go home and reconvene the next morning for brunch at mom's. I love that we have the same food, the same desserts, and I know exactly what to expect. For me, there is something about going back to my childhood home - that is the one place that is never changing...it is my favorite!So...let's talk about my friends - they are the best EVER!! For me, the best friends are the ones that become family. They are the ones that when you have to go out of town unexpectedly - they welcome your kids into their home in your absence. They are the ones that show up unexpectedly, and are right at home. They walk in to your home, are completely comfortable, they love on your babies (and your fur babies), and nobody misses a beat. They are the ones that you laugh and cry with, the ones that you ride down the road and you may or may not be singing the wrong lyrics to a song at the top of your lungs. And...out of all the people in the world - I think mine are the best! I love that after Christmas, the New Year rolls around and we have a chance to reflect on the year before and make resolutions and changes to our lives for the new year - we are able to set new goals and refocus. As much as I love tradition, and all of the things that surround the holiday season - I love that we are celebrating Jesus' birthday the most! Jesus was born, and years later was crucified, and rose again on the third day. I love that the ultimate sacrifice was made for me, and I am forgiven for all of my sins, when I do not deserve it. I have eternal life!So, in all the craziness of the hustle and bustle, the presents being opened, family coming and going - be sure to stop and take a minute to remember the real reason for the season!