One of my favorite things about the holidays is tradtion! I am a HUGE tradidtion person (and, if you know me - this does not surprise you) - I hate change. I like to know at Thanksgiving we will go to my sister's (although this year we went to mom's), and we are going to eat the same meal we have eaten for years before. I like to know that at Christmas, we are going to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church, we are going to mom's and presents will be opened at approximately 9:00pm, we we all go home and reconvene the next morning for brunch at mom's. I love that we have the same food, the same desserts, and I know exactly what to expect. For me, there is something about going back to my childhood home - that is the one place that is never changing...it is my favorite!
So...let's talk about my friends - they are the best EVER!! For me, the best friends are the ones that become family. They are the ones that when you have to go out of town unexpectedly - they welcome your kids into their home in your absence. They are the ones that show up unexpectedly, and are right at home. They walk in to your home, are completely comfortable, they love on your babies (and your fur babies), and nobody misses a beat. They are the ones that you laugh and cry with, the ones that you ride down the road and you may or may not be singing the wrong lyrics to a song at the top of your lungs. And...out of all the people in the world - I think mine are the best!
I love that after Christmas, the New Year rolls around and we have a chance to reflect on the year before and make resolutions and changes to our lives for the new year - we are able to set new goals and refocus. As much as I love tradition, and all of the things that surround the holiday season - I love that we are celebrating Jesus' birthday the most! Jesus was born, and years later was crucified, and rose again on the third day. I love that the ultimate sacrifice was made for me, and I am forgiven for all of my sins, when I do not deserve it. I have eternal life!
So, in all the craziness of the hustle and bustle, the presents being opened, family coming and going - be sure to stop and take a minute to remember the real reason for the season!
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