I have tried to raise my children to think for themselves, believe in themselves, stand up for what is right, and I have encouraged them to follow their dreams. I have provided a home where we pray for each other, cheer each other on, and believe in each other. And most importantly - we LOVE each other... and we love big!
On January 17, as a family - we will go and watch C get on a bus to start a new chapter in his life. He will be leaving for Basic Combat Training and AIT, and I know that for 15 weeks, my child will get the best training the United States Army has available. And yes - I will be okay with it and scared all at the same time. I also know that when I get to Ft. Benning at the end of this for graduation - I will see a drastic change in him as a person. He will have grown up from a little boy to a soldier almost overnight. And, while he is gone - he will know that he has the unconditional love and support of his crazy family waiting for him at home!
So...I'm sure the next 20 days are going to fly by. I am asking for each of your to keep my sweet C in your prayers (and for that matter - our whole family). This is definitely going to be an adjustment for all of us, but we are ready! And... just know - that I will probably need a hug if I run into you and chances are, I may cry. So - all of my friends and family have been warned! :)
You always hear it takes a village to raise your children, and I am so very thankful for my village who have loved on my sweet kids through the years! You are all loved!!
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