Once upon a time there were two little girls. Their parents were the best of friends, so they had no choice except to be friends at birth. Now- when I say since birth...I am NOT exaggerating! H was born in 1999, so when K came along in 2000 - she was there! They were together through the toddler years (the stage where H would hit K, and some days we would all wonder if they would end up hating each other), they were together all through elementary school, the awkward middle school years and every step along the way in high school. These two girls have been together for every major event in their life. There have been divorces, deaths, births, heartbreaks, road trips, beach vacations. IKEA trips, concerts, jam sessions and our first visit to Denny's - you name it, and they have done it...TOGETHER! They are the true epitome of what friendship should be. Not only are they always only a phone call away - they are truly each other's biggest cheerleaders. There is not a jealous or competitive bone (at least not with each other) in their body. Put them on a team together, and they may hurt you trying to win. There have been countless FaceTime calls with tears of joy and happiness. There have been angry texts because one of them had their heart broken. There have been promposals, because seriously - who else would you take to prom besides your bestie?!? I'm pretty sure in their 18 years together - there has never been an argument between them. There are days that I am pretty sure they share a brain, and may quite possibly be the same person.
And...one of my favorite parts of this sweet friendship - I have a bonus daughter (who I love like my own). And...extra bonus - she will feed me cheesecake while I'm driving on road trips!! If you have ever needed inspiration for what true friendship looks like - these two sweet hearts have it perfected! If you spend any time with them, you will fall in love with them and their love, loyalty and support for each other. They are the example of what every friendship should look like!
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up." Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10
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