Normally when I sit to down start writing, I have a specific purpose in mind...but, not tonight. Tonight my brain is going in a million different directions, and I am. First, let me start with if you have not read the book, "Girl, Wash Your Face" by Rachel Hollis - you MUST!! I'm not talking about "oh hey, you should give this a try" - I'm talking about the book that is nothing short of life changing and will truly help you become a better version of yourself.
Next...forgive always. People are human. They say things and do things that are not always correct, they are not always kind, and they can definitely be hurtful. In spite of all of those things - forgive anyway! You don't have to let them into your inner circle once you've been hurt - but, don't give up on them just yet. You never know what someone else is going through and what their inner demons are, so when someone hurts you - FORGIVE! What if Jesus had not forgiven us of our sins? I know I would be in BIG trouble. So, if Jesus can forgive me - I can forgive others.
Next...second chances. My kids and close friends will tell you that I give more second chances than are necessary. But, let me tell you...very rarely have I ever regretted giving someone a second chance. Just because someone makes a mistake once, does not mean they are destined to make the same mistake over and over. Don't give up on people, you never know when you giving them a second chance could make all the difference in their world.
Next...choose joy every day! When I think about joy... I think about the song I sang as a kid, "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart." Joy is the long lasting feeling that comes from true happiness and is simply heart warming. goal for the remainder of this year is to do find a vacation every day! Yes...that means doing something every single day that is going to help me create a life that I do not need a vacation from. So...I am making a huge change and going to live on a houseboat! Yes... some people will think I'm crazy, but I am SUPER excited!! When I told my mom I was considering this, her comment was, "I can't believe I birthed you." Well..she did, and we are more alike than we care to think - I am definitely just a wee bit more adventurous than she is. But...back to the boat. Honestly - please...just look at the view! Does it even get any better?? I think not! So...for the remainder of the year (more so on March 1)... I will be finding a vacation every single day, and I would encourage everyone to do the exact same thing!
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