Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Really?? REALLY!!

As every single mom knows, when your kids go to their dad's, it is like going on a mini-vacation. There are no manners, no boundaries and no rules. So... when they come home after their weekend in "Disney Dad Land", it is really hard on us, the mom! Reality has to set back in. "Yes, you have to follow the rules", "Yes, you must say yes ma'am". I mean really?? Is this too much to ask that they follow the same rules and actually use their manners at their dads? Anyhow, back to my point. My two little ones come home on Monday morning, after a weekend with their dad, and from the looks of it, Christmas has happened again! Yet, I thought it was Valentine's Day. Really... they come home with bags - of gifts. DS games, sketch books, books to read, candy, and that is just to name a few. Now.... do you say I love you by buying them everything they ever wanted? One would think not... however, this is exactly what happened!

So... as I think about what I got them for Valentine's Day, my first thought was "they are really going to be disappointed". You see, I am a single mom, with three kids, and this year we are just not rolling in the dough. So... I thought what better gift than to tell them how much they are loved. I mean, isn't this what it is really all about anyway? So, I wrote them each a letter... here is the one to my oldest.

Today is Valentine’s Day. I just wanted to take the time and let you know how very proud of you that I am. I could not have hand picked a better son if I had tried. You came into my life, when I was very young, and I did not think I was ready. The day you were born, you stole my heart and have had it ever since. You are the joy of my life and I have so enjoyed watching you grow up into the young man you have become. In a way, we have grown up together. I had no idea what to do with a baby, and we figured it out together. We may have bumps along the way, but I want you to know that I am always on your side. I have made lots of mistakes, but know that you have always been loved with 1,000% of my heart. You fill my heart with joy and pride every time I look at you!
When I watch you step out on a baseball or football field my heart overflows with pride. As I watch you play the games that you love – there is not a prouder mom out there. You give 100% on the ball field and I always want you to give 100% in life. If you do that, there is nothing you will not succeed at!
One day you will have a girlfriend, and eventually get married. I hope and pray that she is as good to you as you deserve. One day soon you will be grown up and move out on your own, and although it will break my heart to see you go. I know that you will go, and will be successful. You deserve nothing but the best life has to offer. You are the kindest and most caring young man. You are the light of my life. Always have been and always will be. I thank God every day for giving me the most perfect son. I hope I have given you half as much joy as you have given me.
Happy Valentine’s Day baby! I love you!

As everyone was reading their letters, there was not a dry eye. Every single one of those precious babies thanked me and told me they loved me, like I had given them a million dollars. My oldest (almost 17), wrapped his big arms around me and said, "Mom, this is better than any gift you could have ever given me". So, next Valentines Day, I would encourage everyone to tell the people you love, just how much you love them. Life is too short, not to let them know they are loved every day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Weekend of .... Valentine's

Well, for any of you who are single, and dread Valentine's day every year. It is here...again! The holiday where the retail stores try to make everyone feel like they need someone, and it is a lovey dovey mess. You walk into a store, and everything in there is pink and red, full of hearts, and all the I love you stuff. Not that I am not a fan of being in a relationship. But, who says you have to be in a relationship to be happy? Why can't I just be happy being alone? Do I have to be with someone to be happy... the answer is NO! I was married for 11 years, and was happy for a long time. But somewhere, in my marriage, I lost myself. I was so consumed by being the perfect wife and the perfect mother, that I forgot to be the perfect me! In the immediate months after my divorce was final, I was almost consumed with finding the next Mr. Right. It was emotionally exhausting and draining. I finally figure out that no Mr. Right was going to make me happy. I had to do that on my own. So, 2 1/2 years after my divorce, I am completely happy sitting here with my 3 kids and my dog.

The other thing that has been re-emphasized post divorce is the importance of friends! Those girlfriends that have been around forever and love you no matter what. Those girlfriends, who have seen you at your best and still love you at your worst. They are the ones that when you have a bad week, one phone call and "Fun Friday" is scheduled. My girlfriend K and I have come to love our "Fun Fridays". There is nothing like ending the week, either good or bad, with lots of laughs and a good time being had by all!

So... if you have found your prince charming and have your "happily ever after", I am so happy for you! As for me right now... I am simply happy being with me!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

One of those days....

Have you ever just had one of those days, that you just want to simply end? You want to erase it from your memory, and act like it never happened? Well.... I have not just had one of those days, I have had one of those weeks! The kids FINALLY went back to school yesterday, after five thousand snow days (not really five thousand, just felt like it), and life has returned to some sort of normalcy. My oldest son was given a curfew citation, earlier in the week, because he was standing outside of his friends house, talking to other friends. Now honestly... he was not running all over town, he wasn't smoking pot, not drinking... just simply talking! Please tell me all the Small Town USA police officers, why? I know there is not a lot of action, but really? REALLY? why bother teenagers that are basically good kids hanging out talking? I am very frustrated by this event, not to mention the other s&*% that has come along with it. Now, we will go to court, pay court costs, and spend a jillion dollars, because he was standing outside of his friends' house talking! Crazy I say... crazy!!! Enough of the kids...

As I sit and write this, I wonder if one single person has ever read this. Not really sure, but I will continue on because if nothing else, it is a great place to vent and get all my anger out and really not piss anyone off! So...we will move on to the dating life, or lack thereof! After my divorce (2 1/2 years ago) i was convinced, that I would find Mr. Right. As a matter of fact, last year I was pretty sure I had found him. Then, here comes the controlling ex-wife. As you can only imagine. They had been divorced/separated longer than I had, she had left him on a couple of occasions, kicked him out of the house, and was happy he was gone. Then, he starts dating (me, of course). Crazy (the ex-wife) has now decided she wants him back and will go to any and all lengths to get him to come home. After faithfully trying, and not succeeding for months... she decides she doesn't need him after all because guess what ... she can make our "new, perfect dating life" hell! Yep... I said it. She was out to make us miserable. After months of us going back and forth, fighting over her and the way she controls and manipulates him, I said the magic words,"I'm done!"

As I met the girls for drinks last week, I had decided that no longer would I be looking for "Mr. Right" I now would be looking for "Mr. Right Now". My goal for the remainder of this year is to have a big time at everything I do! I am going to officially make this the year for having fun!! So, to anyone who is single, I would encourage you to look for "Mr. Right Now" while you are waiting on "Mr. Right" to come along!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow Days.....Will they ever end?

Well, here we are on a Wednesay, the 4th snow day! Any of you know that if you get a 1/2 inch of snow in Tennessee, it pretty much shuts the whole state down. Now imagine getting 4 inches!!! The school board closed school on Thursday night because we were supposed to get snow early Friday. Yes... you heard me correctly. It was supposed to snow on Friday. So, the kids get all excited. I have 7 kids at my house Thursday night, preparing for their day of snow. We wake up Friday morning, and you guessed it... no snow!!! We all sit around patiently (well, maybe not so patiently) and wait on the snow. It finally moves in that afternoon...and yes, we get to play in the snow for a whole weekend! We are out of school on Monday (understanable), Tuesday (questionable) and now today, Wednesday (in my opinion, not necessary). I must say, my kids have had a blast! Momma's Kitchen has been open 24 hours a day for the past 5 days, and I am exhausted and ready for them to go to school!! Anyone who is a single mom knows, that sometimes you just need a break! I am severely in need of one now!!!