Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving thanks..

As I am sitting in my favorite spot this morning, my house is quiet, the kids are still in bed, my daddy is here visiting, the dogs are playing. I have a job I love, and the people I work with are awesome. Yes... all is good in my little part of the world. I have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, but most of all I am thankful for my friends and family that love and support me unconditionally - there is nothing better!

Friendships are truly a gift from God - we should always be there to support one another and build each other up.  They give us so many things we need - encouragement, love, and honesty (even when you don't want to hear it).  Friendships take time... you have to nurture them, and invest time and energy into them if you want them to grow. Yesterday, I talked to a friend I had not talked to in over 20 years - we started talking, and picked up where we left off. It  was awesome to see the things that God has done in his life.  It was even more awesome, knowing that maybe - just maybe - you and your family had a small part of being the positive influence. Honestly... I could not be more proud of him and the things he has accomplished in his life. I am so very grateful that I still have awesome friendships from every time in my life!

As for my family - I think I have the best one around!  The older I get, the more I appreciate everything my parents have done for me and my kids. And.. I know I should tell them more often that I love them and thank them for everything they do.  My kids... well they are amazing!  Not only do I have three amazing kids that are mine - I have three "bonus" kids that I have the privilege of loving on every day.  There is nothing better than Sunday night family dinners that are full of laughter, surrounded by people you love.

This holiday season... I encourage to spend time with family and friends, give great big bear hugs (they're the best) and be sure to tell everyone how much you love them!

Happy Thanksgiving!

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good"
1 Chronicles 16:34

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Relationships and Friendships

Have you ever noticed (especially when you are single) everyone around you tends to have relationship advice?  Everyone knows exactly what you need, and exactly what you are missing in your life.  It's funny... everyone around you wants you to be happy.  They want you to have that someone special in your life.  Honestly...they mean well, they want to be sure you are getting everything you want out of life, and they simply want you to have the same happiness they do.  These types of people are the ones you want in your life - they are the ones that love you and only want what's best for you!

Everyone says that the best relationships start with the best friendships first...while I am sure that is a true statement, there are also times in life where you have truly found your best friend... that's all.  So, when you find that one person that you truly enjoy spending time with, that makes you smile, that loves your sarcastic tone and they not only tolerate but love your crazy kids.  This person is the one who confronts you when you make bad decisions, and they are your biggest cheerleader and supporter. Why take the chance of messing it up with the "other" stuff? The "other" stuff is what adds the possibility of losing your best friend. also have the possibility that you really could be missing out on the relationship of a lifetime - the one you have always dreamed about.

I guess my point in all of this is... there are times in your life where you may make decisions that everyone does not agree with, they make think you have not thought the process through. Decisions may be made that even your are unsure of - all you can do is surround yourself with people you love, ask them to support your decision and pray that your are living out God's will.

Today...I know I am blessed by having the best friends and family around!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Granddaddy...

We all have our favorite memories while growing up.  For me ~ some of mine, are of my grandparents.  They were my heroes growing up, and although they are both gone now ~ they are still my heroes in so many ways. Growing up I would spend weekends at their house, and I truly loved every minute of it.  We would all sit downstairs in the den and watch TV... HeeHaw, The Lawrence Welk Show and whatever else they may want to watch.  As the "good shows" were over,  granddaddy and I would sit for hours and play cards.  He taught me how to play Rummy and Solitaire (with a real deck of cards).  We would sit on the couch at the table (which I have in my house today) ~ the table was carved and had a scene on the top.  He would tell me stories of what he saw on the table.  We would get done with cards, and then would move upstairs to the chess table.  Then, if I was still bored we would grab Granny, and we would play Sorry.  When it was nice outside, we would play yard darts (yes... the real metal darts), climb trees or play golf.  There are so many memories that I have with them, that I would NEVER trade for anything!  We always sat at the table for dinner ~ that was family time!  There was ALWAYS dessert ~ because that's what you had with dinner.  I can still remember one night after watching HeeHaw, I asked Granny for a popsicle ~ she said, "Sugar, we don't have any."  I thought the world was coming to an end, and just like any good little girl did ~ I went to Granddaddy.  I asked the exact same question, but I got a completely different answer.  His answer was, "Sugar, we don't have any, but let's go to 7 Eleven." And... off we went.

It's funny, he has been gone for years now and I still remember that day like it was yesterday.  I was in the 9th grade at Hawkins Jr. High School, and my dad came to pick me up early.  I was pretty sure my heart would break that day!   As the years have gone by, I so wish he was here to meet my kids and share in their lives.  I just know he would be proud!   He was my hero, he fixed everything and always made everything right!  One big bear hug from my Granddaddy and all the sadness was gone! It's funny... I think I may miss him more the older I am ~ and I did not think that was possible.

Tomorrow, he would have been 105!  It's hard to believe, he has been gone for so many years ~ but the memories never fade.  Happy Birthday Granddaddy! I love and miss you!!

Monday, September 8, 2014


How many times have you told your kids, "actions speak louder than words?" Even though we learn this as kids, I think it is even more important to remember this as adults.  Romans 12: 9-21 is the perfect reminder I needed today:

        9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[a] Do not be conceited.

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[b] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[c]
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Be sure to mend fences that need to be mended, treat others the way you want to be treated, and tell your loved ones you love them. You never know when this could be the last opportunity you have!  

Sunday, July 27, 2014

What it's all about...

I am going to start off by saying... I have the best friends and family EVER!  As my birthday week is coming to a close, I could not be any more thankful for the people who surround me on a daily basis. When I look back over the week, I realize the reason it was so special is because I have been surrounded by the ones that I love the most!

This month I did something that never in a million years would I have expected to do... I went SKYDIVING!  No... I did not wake up one day and think, "I'm going to jump out of a plane today."  J called on a Monday morning, and said, "Mom, do you have plans this weekend?"  - I told him that I didn't think so.  He then said, "well, I want you to do something with me" - when I asked what, I never expected the answer I got.  He said, "I want you to go skydiving with me."  I originally just told him whether I jumped or not, I would definitely go, if nothing else but to watch him.  He told me he didn't want me to just be there, he wanted me to jump with him. So... what does a mom do when their 21 year old asks them to jump out of a plane?  She goes skydiving!

I woke up that morning... super excited! I woke J up, and we went to go meet his friends.  Yes.. me and 6 kids that ranged from 18 - 21 went skydiving!  And... I would NOT trade one minute of that day for anything.  On the drive down (JD rode with me), I got to talk and listen to a 20 year old's view on life.  I got to understand a little more about what makes J & his friends so special and unique.  This is a group of kids who truly live life to the fullest, and they appreciate the little things.  They all understand that life is short, and you deserve to be happy.  They are an AMAZING group of kids!

And.. for the record - my favorite part of the day, was right after we hit the ground.  J met me and gave me biggest hug, and said, "Mom... I'm so glad you did this with me."  The look on his face was worth every dime and minute spent on this adventure.

On a different note... have you ever realized that happiness comes when it is not expected?  Sometimes we are looking so hard for something, that we get hit by a truck we weren't expecting.  I have always said, that everything in life is about His timing - not ours.  That we have to patient... and let God's will be done.  In Romans 8:25 it tells us, "But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance." No matter what it is in life, it is important to realize that our lives are about His time and not ours. We just need to be ready to listen, and act upon His words!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Friendships of every kind...

Friends...I'm not even sure where to start, but I truly believe I have the best friends in the world! I have been very blessed in my life to have great friends.  I have childhood friends, high school friends and college friends.  Then, I have the friends that I met when I got married and I have the others that I met at the various places I have worked. Then... there are those friends who you met through other friends - and they changed your life forever.  The best part about these sweet people...I don't have to talk to them everyday.  I don't have to see them every week.  I know they are there ~ always only a phone call away.  I can go for years and not talk to or see them, and pick up exactly where we left off.

In Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 it says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up." We all make mistakes in life, and we all say things that we regret.  Sometimes we really wish our filter would work when speaking - but it doesn't always happen. The fact is... we are all human, we all make mistakes and bad choices and we all wish we could take things back.  But...we can't.  Once the words come out, it is impossible to take them back. We all have times when the world is crashing around us, and we need our friends to pick us up. Our friends are the ones who have faith in us, when we don't have faith in ourselves.

So tonight... I am very thankful for the people in my life that I am blessed to call friend!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Graduation day...

Today is graduation day for the Class of 2014. This is such an exciting time - the end of one chapter, the beginning of another.  There will be new challenges to face, new opportunities, and new friends to be made.  For me... today is the day my sweet niece graduates!  It is hard to believe she is 18 and will be moving on to start a new chapter in her life.  From the moment I received the phone call that my sister was in labor... I could not wait to meet this sweet baby.  I sat in the hallway at the hospital patiently waiting.  The moment she was born...she stole my heart! 

When she was in kindergarten, I would pick her up and we would have "our time" for an hour before the boys got out of school.  There were many trips to get ice cream, to the park or we would just go home and be silly! There have been many cookies made and Easter eggs dyed - all while making me laugh.  It is truly the little things I enjoy with her! I have watched her grow into the most loving, kind-hearted, compassionate and caring young lady.  Her sweet smile lights up a room, and steals my heart over and over again.  I could not be more proud of her!!! She is truly one of a kind & I could not imagine what my life would have been like without her in it!  I am so very excited to see what the next chapter of her life holds!  

Congratulations Class of 2014!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


How many times in life do we simply hold on to things when we should have let them go?  Maybe it's a relationship, a friendship or anger.  How many times do we let our need to be right get in the way of being happy?  Or... how many times do we let our need to be right get in the way of forgiving another, because we are trying to prove a point? Being angry, holding a grudge.. these things use emotional and physical energy - and honestly, I believe they are a waste of our time.  Is it not easier simply to leave the past in the past, and let go of what you cannot change? Maybe things did not work out the way you wanted them to because God has a bigger and better plan for your life.  Maybe... while you are praying for one thing, God is answering you and you are not listening.

In Jeremiah 29:11 He tells us, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Isn't it time that we all start trusting in His plan, and not our own?  As I look back over my life, I am so very thankful that He had bigger and better plans for me than I had for myself.

Happy Sunday y'all!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

21 years ago....

This week 21 years ago, my life was getting ready to change forever... and I really did not have a clue.  I was 21, married and pregnant with a sweet baby boy.  I was absolutely miserable - he was due April 15, and was no where close to being here.  I had no idea where to begin with a baby, and I certainly had no idea how to take care of one.  Honestly... I was still a baby myself.  On April 30, 1993 at 2:59 p.m. a 9 lb. 11 oz., 21 1/2 inch baby boy was welcomed into this world!

As I look back over the last 21 years, it is hard to believe how much has changed in my life.  It is also hard to believe how much one sweet little boy can teach you about love and life.  Over the years, I have watched him overcome obstacles, and succeed time and time again.  He is a true inspiration to anyone who knows him, and he is definitely loved by all.  He is the best son, big brother, grandson, nephew, and cousin that anyone could ask for.  He is a loyal, and faithful kid - who has his own beliefs and truly marches to the beat of his own drummer. I am so very blessed to have been chosen to be his mom!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Life changing...

As most people know, my favorite time of day is before my kids wake up, and everything is calm in the world.  I'm sitting in my kitchen (my favorite place) and enjoying my coffee.   Last night K got home from her first mission trip.  We left the church, went to dinner, came home and unpacked her bag. As I sat and listened to her tell me stories from the week, I was in tears.  I asked her one question at the end, "how would you describe your week?"  - without hesitation, her answer was very simple,  she said "life changing". 

Over the past week, I have thought about the mission trips I went on as a teenager and the impact they had on my life.  When I was 16, we went to Lake Bambi in Michigan, where we were camp counselors.  While we were there, the lady that ran the camp (I wish I could remember her name) told us the first night there were three things we should always remember - "who you are, whose you are and whom you represent".  Those words have stuck with me over the last 26 years, and they are still written in my Bible today.  

So... this morning I am very thankful for the blessings that my sweet daughter received this week, and for the impact she made on these kids lives. We just all need to remember that God is good... all the time!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


As I sit and look back over the last 10 years of my life - I have a lot of truly great memories. There are memories that are simply sad and I have a lot of painful memories.  When we look back, our memories that were good, we cherish and relive.  When we have a bad memory that is sad or painful, we tend to want to simply forget.  We just want that thought - that memory to go away.  We only think about the negative aspects of pain, we do not typically find anything positive in it.  For me, I know I tend to learn more from pain than from pleasure (maybe it's my stubborn nature). If you get hurt (whether physically or emotionally) chances are - you will try to figure out what you have done wrong, and correct your actions so it does not happen again.  For example, if you have a failed relationship - when it ends, there will be pain.  But.... it doesn't mean that nothing good will come from that pain.  What if you ended an engagement, yes... the initial action is painful - but it is a lot less painful than a divorce years down the road.  Or... if you are suffering from physical pain, it could be an indication that you might have an undiagnosed problem.  Since you are suffering from pain, that could lead you to go to the doctor and have them examine you - and be able to correct the issue.  I am a believer that just the passage of time will not fix pain.  You may have to take corrective action for the pain to subside.  You may have to ask for forgiveness, there may need to be a reconciliation in a relationship.  Although, you may want to avoid emotional pain - you cannot live your life avoiding relationships.  Although some people may cause you pain - others will bring friendship, meaning and purpose into your life. I believe that in order for us to truly appreciate what life has to offer, you have to experience pain - you must take the good with the bad. The key is for you as a person, to figure out how to deal with your pain, and not be a pain towards others!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

This week...

This week has been one of those weeks, when I am really having to remind myself of how blessed I am.   It has been a week of ups and downs, and a week of stress.  It has been a week where I have had to remind myself that me and my kids are surrounded by people we love dearly and who love us back.  It has been a week of navigating the waters of things I never thought I would have to. It has also been a week of being reminded who my friends are, and why I love them like family! This week has reminded me that I work for an organization that truly cares about its employees, and for that I am very grateful.  Above all else, this week has been a reminder that God has a plan and is in control of my life... not me and I must remember to put my faith and trust in Him!

I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”
Psalm 91:2 


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Love and appreciation...

Last Sunday I received a phone call that a high school friend of mine had passed away unexpectedly.  As I sat and listened, I was in complete disbelief.  He had been a friend since junior high, we were in youth group together at church, we graduated together.  Then, we fast forward several years.  We had our boys about one year apart and they played ball together, at first against each other, but as they got older on the same All Star team. We spent many weekends at ball fields, and I can honestly say there was never a time he wasn't smiling or making the boys laugh.  As my kids got older, and J was a senior... it was time for senior pictures to be taken.  There was never a decision to be made on who it would be... it would be Mike.  The day we had everything scheduled, he met us at the farm (where J worked), got in an ATV - and we started on our adventure for the day (I was squished in between J and Mike). It was one of the best days for us - I had a child who despised having photos taken, and then I had a friend who absolutely brought his personality out in every photo. Not only did he capture the perfect moments from my child, he truly captured the beauty of the farm that J worked on (and still does today), and the beautiful animals that my child has such a passion for.

Yesterday, I got to the church I had grown up in, to say good-bye to a friend.  As people came in, it was amazing to see all the faces through the years to come and pay their respects to our friend.  We all talked, reminisced, told stories... there were tears and there was laughter.  There was music, and there was worshiping.  It was absolutely a beautiful service, planned by the loved ones who love and miss him so very much.  

After the service was over, several us went to eat, talk catch up, and simply visit. When I left there yesterday, I was so very appreciative of having grown up in a loving, Christian home - where an emphasis was put on building a relationship with God. As I looked at the people who were in the youth group I loved so much - I was overwhelmed with knowing the love that is still there for one another after all of these years.  We all get busy, and have our lives... but at the end of the day, in the time of need - everyone is there for love and support.

The other piece of this for me, is that some of those sweet people I grew up with going to Wednesday night church and going on mission trips with, are now my daughter's leaders on Wednesday nights and they are helping her prepare to go on her first mission trip in a couple of weeks. I pray that my kids will have the same friendships in their small groups at church, that I had growing up.

So... I will leave you with this.  Life is short, we do not know when God will call us home.  Be sure to cherish and appreciate every minute with your friends and loved ones.  Be sure to hug their neck and kiss those sweet cheeks.  But most of sure to support them, pray for them, and love them every day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I have...

As I look back at the last year of my life - there have been really high highs and some really low lows.  There have been high expectations and broken promises.  I have realized that the people I thought would always have my back, really do not.  I have realized that I can count my true friends on one hand, and I am completely at peace with that.   I have learned that I am not a very trusting person (something I'm working on), and I am loyal to a fault with people I love.  I try to see the best in everyone and to be forgiving. I know that I carry stuff with me, long after I should let it go. I have also learned that just because you have the best intentions, doesn't always make it right. I have also learned that as a friend, even if you don't agree with someone's thoughts, opinions, decisions... you should always respect them. I have learned that people change and grow, circumstances change and relationships develop and change. I have also learned that things are definitely always NOT what they seem to be. I have learned that if I forgive those who have hurt me, I am at peace. I have learned that although my kids may not always do what I expect them to, and I may get angry - I will always support their crazy decisions, be there for them and love them to the moon and back!!

I have also learned that no matter what my plan is, God has a bigger and better plan - I just have to be patient and willing to open my heart and listen. I have also tried to remember that we are not guaranteed tomorrow, so we should not miss an opportunity to tell someone how we feel, spend time with our loved ones or simply hug their necks!

Most importantly - I have realized that I have been blessed beyond measure.   I have a great job and work with a team of people I genuinely love, I have parents who support my craziness at all cost and who never fail me, I have a sister and brother who as I get older I appreciate more each day, I have nieces and nephews who I would move mountains for and I have the most amazing kids in the world. So, all in all... I am one blessed girl!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Things I have learned...

As I am sitting here reflecting on my weekend away and getting ready to go home tomorrow, here are just a few of the things I have learned:

  • No matter the distance between friends... things are always the same when you are reunited. It is truly like no time has passed, and you are together on a daily basis like you used to be.
  • As we get older, we do not have the ability to stay out as long as we used to.  Yes... it is now 7:14 p.m. and we are both exhausted and ready for sleep.
  • As you reminisce about the events spanning over the last 15-20 years... they are even funnier now than they were before.  
  • We used to drink Irish Car Bombs and Lemon Drops... now, a simple glass of wine is perfect.
  • As we have watched our kids grow up, and we are much closer to the grandkid side of life than the kid side - we have decided we will never will be called Granny, Nanny, MeMaw, or MawMaw - we will be called Coco and Honey.  
  • After being exposed to a group of young 20 something's at a spa - we are hoping our 20 something's don't act that way and IF they do - hopefully someone will correct their actions. 
  • There are some images in life that you will never erase from your mind (can't even go into detail on what we were exposed to at above mentioned spa).
  • I am very blessed to have friends who love me unconditionally and accept me for who I am.
  • And last but not least... laughter is definitely good for the soul.
These are just a few of the things at the top of the list. Now... I am preparing to get back to work, and go home to all my loved ones that I miss. We have definitely made lots of new memories for us to laugh about for many more years to come!! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Reflecting on friends...

As I look back at my life, and I look at the friends I have made- there are truly some friendships that I will treasure for a lifetime.   There are friends who have been with me through thick and thin - births, deaths, divorce and everything in between.   There have been the friends who are only there when things benefit them, and there are friends who would give their all for you.   The beauty of friendship - is that you do not have to agree all the time.  There is no possible way that everyone will ALWAYS agree with each other.  The more you love people, the more prone you are to hurting people also.  Those are the ones that know which buttons to push and how to get a rise out of you.  Just because you do not agree with a person's actions - does not, under any circumstances, mean you do not still love them.  Most of my friends are different from me - and I am very thankful for that! With that being said, I respect  my friends opinions that are different than mine. I do not want to surround myself that are just like me.  This is the beauty  of life - there are all kinds of people, with all kinds of personalities.  Everyone has different opinions!

As part of human nature - we will all be hurt from time to time.  We will all disappoint ourselves and we will definitely disappoint others. The true friendships are the ones that weather the storms. They are the ones who realize everyone has a difference of opinion - as it is respected because of the mutual love they have for one another. The friends who can sit down with you, and talk your differences out are the ones that are "keepers".  They are the ones you can turn to, and you know they are always there! As we get older - we realize we have fewer friends than we think, and we realize it is the ones who love us (flaws and all) are the ones we want by our side!

There are childhood friends, high school friends and college friends, and then... I am blessed enough to have my sweet Kappa Delta sisters as well.  When God was putting all these people in my life 25+ years ago - I am certain He knew what He was doing, and knew that I would need these ladies later in life.

I am very grateful and have been very blessed to have amazing friends and I thank God for them every day!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


This morning, as I sit here - I am thinking about all the change that has happened in my life in the last eight years...all of the changes my kids have been through.  For those who know me, know that I do NOT like change.  Change happens for many reasons.  Some change you choose, some change you have no control over.  Change can be the result of finding love again, and moving into the next chapter of your life or a new job OR change can be a result of a broken marriage, it can be the result of your kids turning away from you, or it can be from an illness such as cancer.  As changes (big or small) happen, we tend to worry about them first and then turn to God.

When things happen in our lives, God doesn't promise that He will "fix" everything, He promises that He will give us peace. This does not mean our marriage will be repaired, it doesn't mean that we will be given a cure for cancer, and it doesn't mean it will bring your kids home.  What it does mean is that God will be with us as we go through these times.  We will feel His presence, hear His voice, and feel His love.  In Phillipians 4:6-7, the Bible tells us..."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

In order for you to be allowed to feel God's peace, we must be willing to hand our problems over to Him.  We must allow Him to be in control, and simply seek to do His will.  Although, this seems like such a simple task - we all know it is not!  So, I would challenge each of you this week - hand your worries over to Him, and have an open mind and heart to see what He has in store for you!  I can guarantee you, His plans are greater than your own!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blessings in disguise...

So, let me just start off by saying... I am sitting here writing this morning, after not having much sleep and possibly ready to beat the cutest dog around (that would be Lily).  I have approximately a million random thoughts running through my mind, and can't even focus. So... there is no telling what may possibly end up in this post.

The past six months have been all about helping people.  For anyone who knows me, they know that I do not tell anyone "no".  I tend to say yes to everything, over extend myself, and then wonder why I totally exhausted and cranky at times.  Then there are the times, that you help people and you know you have done the right thing whether others agree or not.  You are doing what you believe in the core of your being is right. You  see, I believe that we all have times in our lives when we will need something. It may not be a major event ~ it may be that we need a simple hug, or it may be that we need an ear to listen. I would like to think that in the time of need, those people will be there for me.  Although, I am not so naive to believe that it will happen.  As I get older, I tend to care less about what people think of me.  I do not do for others for recognition in any sort.  I help others, simply because that is what I do.   When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, one (rather large) family in particular ended up in Hendersonville, TN.  I contacted the hotel they were staying at, to see what their needs may be.  As I organized and prepared dinners for this group, I realized that I was the one who would be truly blessed by them!  They had an incredible story, and they were the epitome of what a family should be. They showed me what true love in a family is and should be. Over the next several weeks and months, my family got to know them and we fell in love with them.  In the process of giving them what they needed, God blessed me and my kids with lifelong friends.  I saw this quote the other day, and it is so true:

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands ~ one for helping yourself, and one for helping others" ~ Audrey Hepburn

I guess the point of this today is ~ help someone!  From my experience, you will get 100 times more out of it, than the person you are helping and you will be the one who is blessed!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Things I have learned...

Sitting in my happy place (my kitchen) this morning ~ there are about a million random thoughts running through my head.  So... I'm not even sure where to start.  It seems as I get older, I am constantly reminded of how short life really is.   I have friends fighting for their lives, saying good-bye to loved ones and everything in between.  Not only are these things happening around me, but I look at my kids and realize they are growing up as well.  I look at them and simply wonder, "How did this happen?"... they are almost grown, and their days in my house are truly limited.  I have tried to teach my kids to be respectful, love others, give unconditionally, be happy and above all else... live a Christian life and love God.   Now... I understand although these things sound simple ~ they are not.  They are not easy for adults, much less kids.  I have also learned as I get older, my mom is a lot wiser than I ever gave her credit for.  She has truly taught our family what loving unconditionally means.  So... with all of this being said, here are a few of the things I have learned:

  • Just because you are older, does not mean you are wiser.
  • The little things in life are normally the ones that matter most.
  • Never underestimate the power of a smile and hug.
  • Words can be forgiven, but not forgotten.
  • Laughter is truly the best medicine.
  • Family is not always blood.
  • Be thankful for everything, and take nothing for granted.
  • A simple good morning can change a person's day.
  • God put people in our lives for a reason.
  • Never miss a chance to tell someone you love them ~ you don't know if you will have that chance again.
These are just a few things, that I have learned along on the way.  Please feel free to comment, and tell me what you have learned.  You never know what others are going through - and you might have words of wisdom to help them out.  So, for today... go give an unsuspecting person a hug, or tell them you love them ~ it might just make their day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


As I look back over choices I have made ~ there are some that I am proud of and there are some that I am not.  We all make choices on a daily basis.  We choose our friends, we choose where we want to work, we choose our actions, we choose to give others love and respect,  and most importantly ~ we choose our words.  There are some things you can take back or change if you are not happy with the choice you made, but... your words can never be changed.  Words have the ability to hurt and destroy people, or they have the ability to encourage and build others up! Proverbs 16:24 says. "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."  What would happen, if every day we chose to encourage and give compliments - instead of tearing down others?  In everything we do we have a choice ~ we can do it our way or we can do it God's way!  Can you imagine how our lives would be different if we lived our lives His way, instead of our way? Just imagine what our blessings would be!

We all make mistakes (I know I do) and none of us are perfect ~ but if we stop and consider our choices, maybe we would hurt less and be happy more.  As we make our way into the new year, I encourage everyone to choose their words wisely. Choose to build up, compliment, encourage ~ and imagine the difference you could make!