Monday, November 19, 2018

Thankful, grateful and blessed...

This week is Thanksgiving. In my family it is a time when we all come together, and enjoy every minute. We eat, we play games, there is always music, and we laugh until our sides hurt.  It is one of my favorite days of the year.  But, as the kids grow up and get their own lives - things change.  And...anyone who knows me, knows how much I cannot stand change! We have definitely had our share of change this past year.  We are still adjusting to C being gone, B has moved cross country, K has started college.  Now - all these things are great, and as much as I love watching them grow up, I really just want my people back where they belong!

This year we will all sit down around the table, and 1/3 of my heart will be missing. These are definitely the days, that as an Army mom I don't feel so Army strong.  While we are missing C, I will be counting down the number of sleeps until he comes home for Christmas (which is 33 in case you're wondering).  We will FaceTime him, but it is definitely not the same. As I'm missing him, I know that I have so many things to be thankful for.  I have a family that loves me and supports my craziness unconditionally, I have amazing friends that have turned into family, and I have a job that I love. I have three amazing kids that all march to the beat of their own drummer, who I am crazy proud of.  I have a God that loves me, even when I fall short every day. I have new friendships and relationships that I am excited about! Honestly... I have a pretty great life and I am blessed beyond measure.

As we go into the holiday season, I would challenge each of you to be present, and enjoy every minute.  Love on your people, and make sure they know how much you love them. Life is short, we are never guaranteed tomorrow, and when you love someone - love BIG! Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

"I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers," ~ Philemon 1:4

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

No words...

Tonight I'm sitting here, with honestly about a million thoughts going through my head.  The last couple of weeks have had so many emotions, that I'm not even sure I know what to feel.  Last week, my whole world was completely rocked when a 21 year old soldier passed.  I woke up at 3:06 a.m. to my phone ringing.  When I answered, C simply said, "Mom, I need you to pray."  He went on to let me know he was at the ER, and was waiting with another one of his buddies.

As the details of the story unfolded over the next few days - my heart was broken for so many reasons.  I replayed the days prior to this event, and was trying to put myself in the other mother's place.  You a military mom - when your child goes into the field and there is live fire present, you mentally prepare yourself knowing that something could go wrong. You know that your soldier is being trained to be the best - but, you are also very aware there is a human element to the training.  You know that if they deploy, there is a risk. On the Tuesday prior to the event, I had received the text from C that simply said, "I just got back a couple of hours ago.  Thought I would let you know, I love you." In my mind, I am assuming the other mom received a phone call or text that was similar.  On Friday, I received the call that my soldier would get to come home for Christmas and I was elated.  Again, I am assuming the other mom received the same call. When they are back where they are supposed to be (in their barracks) you breathe a sigh of relief.  You know they are safe!

This is where our stories are different.  I received the phone call from my son, asking me to pray.  She received a visit from the United States Army, letting her know she had lost her son. I cannot even begin to wrap my head around the next few moments, the hours, the days ahead and what they would feel like.  I cannot imagine how much this families life is going to change. I cannot imagine feeling the void in their hearts.  What I do know is that my heart aches for this sweet family and I have never felt so helpless - so, I just pray!  I have prayed for peace and comfort without ceasing.

This afternoon, I got the honor to speak to this mom and there were no words.  There were tears and letting them know that if they needed anything at all I would do whatever I could. More importantly, there were promises to continually pray for this sweet family in the days ahead. Tonight, I urge you all - tell your loved ones just how much you love them, hug them tight, and do not take anything for granted.

"fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed.  For I am your God, I will strengthen you.  I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Monday, October 8, 2018


Over the past two months, there have been lots of changes in my life.  The big change...the baby of our family (our princess) has started to spread her wings.  Now, let me just say - this has not been easy (for either of us). On August 12, we packed our cars and were ready to move her to Chattanooga the next morning and let her start her next adventure.  We made it through move-in day, said our quick good-byes and I got back on the road headed home.  That afternoon...her adventure began.

The first thing on her agenda was her first meeting to start the week of sorority recruitment (rush).  Now - let me tell you... I can confidently say that I was way more nervous than she was.   It immediately took me back in time 28 years, when I went through rush.  I can remember the nerves and the feelings of not knowing what will happen next.  As she went through the week, every evening I got a phone call giving me an update on what had happened that day.  Now, let me say - everyone that knows me, knows that my sisterhood in Kappa Delta is priceless to me.  I truly believe that God knew what he was doing 28 years ago, when we all ended up in our chapter room together.  Still to this KD sisters are some of my best friends! Also, before I go any further - I told her from the very beginning, "I'm never going to be upset if you don't pledge KD, I just want you to find your people - your home."  Now...yes, I said this - but y'all deep in my heart, I really was hoping and praying for olive green and pearl white.

As the week went on, Thursday night - she called after she turned everything in and said, "Mom, I really want to be a KD.  I don't know what happened tonight, but when I went in the house - I knew that's where exactly where I wanted to be." Y'all, this was like music to my ears. After preference, I got the call that she had put KD as her first choice, and she wasn't sure that she would accept a bid from another sorority.  So - you can only imagine the nerves over the next 12 - 15 hours.   The other thing I will say here - I did not go through any of this alone.  I had all of my KD sisters by my side every step of the way.  We  had a group text message, so everyone could get a play by play of what was happening.  They  texted and called K offering words of encouragement - making sure she was enjoying the whole experience.  On Bid Day,  I sat on the phone with one of my dear sisters who was going through her own personal trials (leading up to the days of losing her mom), but - she wanted to be there in some form when I got the call.  The call finally came, "Mom, I'm a KD," and yes - there were tears.

Fast forward... last night I got the honor of pinning my sweet daughter.  It was a moment that I will not forget.  As I sat as an alum, and took in the whole initiation process (from a whole different view) - there were several things that were very clear.  We all come from different backgrounds, and different walks of life - but a sisterhood can bring you all together.  You grow to love these people, you depend on these people, and they become your family.  You realize whether it is 10 years, 20 years or almost 30 years later - that these are your people!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

BE the change

Tonight I sat down to write because it's something I haven't done in a while and I really wasn't sure what I wanted to say.  I have a million random thoughts, but honestly - I'm not sure that I could make heads or tails out of them to actually have them make sense.  So..,I did what I always do when I get to this place - I picked up my Bible to see what God has to tell me. I sat my Bible down and just let it fall open to wherever it may.  As soon as I looked down at the page - I read exactly what I needed to hear.

"Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is my chosen one, who pleases me. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or raise his voice in public. He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. He will bring justice to all who have been wronged. He will not falter or lose heart until justice prevails throughout the earth. Even distant lands beyond the sea will wait for his instruction." Isaiah 42: 1-4

Y'all...this is exactly what I needed to hear! How many of us just simply get broken down and feel defeated? This is just the reminder that I needed.  Christ will not toss us aside if we are struggling...he won't throw us away and view us as being useless.  He will pick us up...he will not crush us when we are weak. Every single one of us should strive to have the same values and attributes that are mentioned in this passage.  How desperately do we need these things in our world today? Building people up, instead of putting them down. Talking calmly to others, instead of raising our voices and yelling. As children of God, we should be reflecting his goodness and honesty to everyone we meet. If all of us were truly living like this, could you imagine what this world would be like? What a difference we could all make! 

So, my challenge to each of you is to be that change this week - be the hands and feet of Jesus.  When someone is having a bad day at the one who will listen and offer solutions. When  kids are driving someone crazy...offer to babysit, maybe the parents just simply need a break. When someone just simply wants to pull their hair out and have a good cry - don't just walk away, be present and listen,  maybe they just need a hug and to know someone cares.

The simplest way I know to sum this up is be kind.  Be kind always!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

College bound (almost)

This morning I am sitting here enjoying my quiet time, and simply thanking God for all of the blessings in my life.   Yes...every day I should know how incredibly blessed I am, but life happens.  When life happens...people make you angry, you get mad at yourself, and you get down on yourself.  You forget just how blessed you are! Now y'all...when I say I'm blessed - I truly mean it! I have the three most amazing kids EVER, I have six pretty amazing nieces and nephews (who by the way are crazy talented), I have a brother and sister who have not only put up with my craziness through the years, but have even embraced it when they needed to.  And, let's don't forget my parents...bless!  They have had to deal with my antics for my whole life and they really should get an award for that!!

But, back to the point... over the the last week, I have watched all of my loved ones take time out of their lives to wish our princess well in the next chapter of her life.  I have watched as our framily (yes - framily, friends who turn into family) has reassured her that she will do great things, that she will be missed daily but will be home soon enough, and as they have simply loved on her!

I'm not gonna lie, we are both a little anxious about her leaving, but not for the reasons you would think.  I do not have one doubt that she will succeed at anything in life that she puts her mind to.  She is a dysphonetic dyslexic who has overcome so much, and has worked so hard for everything she has earned.  So... I don't worry about her going to class or making good grades. I worry about silly stuff!  Like... who in the world am I going to watch the Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise with?  Yes... it is our guilty pleasure every week. When I'm having a bad day... who is going to blare the music and dance it out with me? Who in the world is going to sing my duets with me in the car?? Ya know... not everyone knows the soundtrack to High School Musical and Frozen!!

So, today we are going to enjoy one last day and one more sleep before we move the princess in her dorm to start the next chapter of her life.  When I think about this time in her life, I am reminded of my favorite Bible verse that I have held onto for so many years, "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." ~ 1 Corinthians 10: 12-13. This verse is a reminder that we are going to encounter hard times, but God will always be there to pick us up, and help us through. And, above all else.. remember to stand strong in your beliefs! 

Now, to all my friends...just know that I will be an empty nester in less than 24 hours and I might spontaneously burst into tears. And, to my friends that have little ones... enjoy every minute - 18 years goes by in the blink of any eye.  But... I could not be more excited for my princess and the journey that is about to begin!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Things are changing...

Well, we are down to officially six more sleeps before my princess leaves for college.  I'm not sure how it happened so fast, but there is one thing for certain - things are changing! I'm not sure how it has happened, but... my baby is leaving for college.  I was prepared when my oldest moved out, because after all - he was the oldest.  Then the middle one left.. not for college, but he enlisted in the United States Army.  Now... the Army took more than a little adjustment and a whole lot of praying. But now... y'all, it's my BABY!!! AND... it's my only girl!  She is a whole different story!

Let me just tell you a couple of things... she is my ride or die, my dance partner in the kitchen, my forever road tripper and my steering wheel dance partner.  She is the one who can make a bad day good and that can make me laugh until I just about pee my pants. She is my karaoke partner in the car, with windows down and music up. She is the one who will watch Christmas movies with me year round, and loves tradition just as much as I do.  She is sassy, stubborn, strong-willed, kind, and above all else she is a Jesus lover and a prayer warrior!

I have tried to imagine what this was like for my parents when they moved me into my dorm, but honestly...I think I was such a brat - they were probably ready for a break!  So, for the next seven sleeps... I am going to soak up as much time as I can and enjoy every minute.  Yes...I know that she will only be 2 1/2 hours away, and yes... I know that we can visit as often as we need.  But, it is the day-to-day that I'm going to miss and all the little things that she has spoiled me with. I love my sweet girl!

Monday, July 16, 2018

An empty nest (almost)...

28 sleeps.  This is the way we count down when big and important events happen in our home...we count the number of sleeps.  As many sleeps as we have counted down over the years, this may be one of the biggest ones yet.  This is the number of sleeps until we move the princess (and the baby) to college for her to start the next chapter of her life.  I feel like I have blinked, and here we are 18 short years later.  The baby of the family has grown up and there is not a thing I can do about it!

She is our princess, and if you know her - you KNOW that she IS the princess!  I will tell you though, she is the sweetest princess I know!  After having two boys, when I was told I was having a girl I did not believe the doctor.  Then... here she was.  My little curly headed, 7 lb. 9 oz. baby girl.  Y'all... I had NO idea what to do with a girl.  She has been full of sass and sweetness since day one and has had her brothers wrapped around her little finger since the beginning. She is so many things to me... my road trip partner, sous chef, dance partner in the kitchen, duet partner,  steering wheel dancing partner and most importantly... my prayer warrior!

As I have watched her spread her wings, she has never ceased to amaze me.  She works hard, sets goals AND achieves just about every one of them. If she is having a bad day, I come home to find devotion books and Bibles.  This is her way of receiving comfort that no one else can provide. She loves her God, and is not afraid to tell anyone.  She is kind, loyal and loves BIG! Oh and... she is one of the funniest people I know!! God knew exactly what we needed when He gave her to us!

As I soak in the next 28 sleeps...I try to remember that our family dynamic is changing once again.  And then... I remember that she is going to do AMAZING things!

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
~Proverbs 22:6~

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

I still believe in fairy tales...

I'm going to start out by simply throwing this out in your 40's sucks!! Yes, I said sucks - it is not fun, it is not glamorous!  It is painful, heartbreaking, and just down right exhausting. It can also be very rewarding, and if you're lucky you may find that fairy tales do still exist.  You know...the "happily ever afters." But, let me tell you about just a few of the life lessons I have learned along the way...

1. Don't be afraid of being alone. There is nothing wrong with being alone, and learning how to be completely happy and content by yourself. If one relationship ends, don't automatically jump into the next one.  Give yourself time to heal. And, let's face it - if your relationship ended badly you probably just invoke some unnecessary pain on some poor, undeserving soul. 

2. Don't settle. As you date, you are going to meet people along the way and you will be tempted to jump into a relationship with (even if your heart isn't in it), just so you don't wind up being alone (see #1). Always remember, you should not settle for anything less than you deserve.  No one is going to be perfect, but wait until you find the one that is perfect for you. 

3. Social media can make you crazy. In a world where you can follow, friend, and Snap 24 hours a day - you can also make yourself crazy trying to keep up with previous people you have dated on social media.  My recommendation - delete, unfriend, block...whatever it takes.  Don't be the person who is stalking your ex seeing what is going on in their life (seriously, we have all done it or we have friends that do it for us).  Remember, on the book of face - everyone always has a perfect relationship. Your life is amazing, and perfect (just as it should be) it the way it is! 

4. Compromise (in the right places). Compromise is a huge thing in your 40's, because honestly... if you have been single as long as I have been - you are set in your ways.  Remember to compromise -  relationships are about give and take.  BUT... do NOT compromise your morals and values.  Stay true to yourself always!!

5. Be patient and kind. Patience is something that does not always come easy.  Don't be quick in jumping to conclusions, and assuming the worst. Be patient...listen to the other person. You have no idea how another person has been hurt, and what their past brings. Regardless of what is said and kind always - kindness goes a long way!!

6. Don't be afraid to take a leap of faith. If you happen to find someone who makes you laugh, who you can talk to for hours, who is willing to put up with your quirkiness, and supports your craziness - take the leap!  Take a chance! Don't be afraid just because they may not be what you had imagined. Trust that person until they give you a reason not to.  Remember - they are not your past, but they may be your present and if you are really blessed - they may even be your future. 

But, the most important life lesson, I can give you... always make sure you have a Christ centered relationship. Go to church (even when you want to sleep in), pray for each other and WITH each other.  If you are both focusing on your relationship with God, you will grow closer to each other. 

These are just a few of the life lessons I have learned along the way and I hope they may help someone else and possibly make the journey a little easier while searching for your "happily ever after."

Happy dating y'all!!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The middle child...

This morning I am sitting outside on my patio, drinking coffee and thinking about my middle child for many reasons.  At this time 20 years ago, I was on bed rest patiently (or impatiently) waiting on this baby to make their grand entrance into the world.  Little did I know that less that 24 hours later, and 2 1/2 weeks early - he would completely change my life and the way I viewed it.  From the very beginning, he stole everyone's heart.  He was the cutest little thing (and, I know every parent says that, but seriously - he was), had the longest eyelashes, and he did really nothing but smile!  In my eyes... he was perfect!

As we moved into the pre-school years, it was a challenge.  I enrolled C and K into Mother's Day Out at church for two days a week.  K (as the youngest) thrived in the classroom and loved every minute.  C, on the other hand... hated it!! He cried every morning, until I finally decided not to make him go back and we had 2 days each week that were mommy and C days.  Now, I'm not saying that was my finest decision ever because I paid for this decision when he went to kindergarten.  For the first month of kindergarten, I would walk in the school with a precious little boy attached to my leg (literally) and crying when I tried to leave, while sweet Ms. Parker peeled him off and made him love school. And I can tell you... Ms. Parker was a saint and a blessing from God in kindergarten - she was (and still is) my hero!

We made it through elementary school, and as we moved into middle school and got to high school -  I knew we were in for a change. I watched this little boy grow up right before my eyes.  I watched him start marching to the beat of his own drummer, becoming this laid back child that nothing could rattle.  He did his own thing, and honestly never cared if anyone liked him or not.  He loved his friends and family fiercely (and still does), and entertained us all with his sense of humor.  Every teacher and administration person at the schools loved him (and I'm not exaggerating)!  When he graduated...that is when things got real.

After graduation, C enlisted in the Army and life as we knew it and our whole family dynamic changed.  Not only had he chosen to serve our country, we were choosing to support him unconditionally.  This meant that we would no longer be together for birthdays and holidays.  It meant that his first duty station was over 3.000 miles from home.  It meant that holidays were no longer dictated by a calendar, but by when we were all together.   Over the last 18 months while he has been in the Army, I have watched him turn into a confident, full of life young man. 

Tomorrow, my sweet middle child will be 20!  And, I look back at his life and how it has flown by.  I could not be more proud of what he has accomplished and what he has sacrificed. My little curly headed boy that I have loved his entire life has become my HERO!  Happy 20th Birthday C... I can't wait to see what you accomplish in the next 20 years.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Being present...

The past week has been a crazy busy week, and I have felt every emotion possible.  It started on Mother's Day with a phone call that we lost a close family friend. This was graduation week for my baby girl, and as you can imagine - we had a million things going on.  Then, I had a "mommy moment" (I refuse to say meltdown) - when it hit me that our soldier would be missing his little sister's graduation.  I was an emotional mess! As the week progressed, we got through one event at a time. After stressing over the weather all week (which I know I can't control), Saturday was here and it was time for the princess' graduation party. And...I wanted everything to be perfect!

After a small army of family and friends (who I cannot thank enough) helped me finish decorating and getting everything ready - I had time to breathe (just for a minute) before more friends and family started arriving to celebrate my girl! Now, anyone who knows me KNOWS that I tend to take way too many photos and document way too much! In my defense...I want to remember every moment and capture everything so we can look back one day. But, sometimes in the midst of doing that - I tend to forget to enjoy the moment and truly be present because I end up stressing about capturing the moment. It can be complete craziness!  On Saturday however, I did not take one picture during her graduation party.  I talked and laughed with family and friends, I watched my sweet girl soak up every minute and love on the people that mean the most to her. I watched our loved ones love on her and I watched her LAUGH and act silly with her friends!  I was actually PRESENT...enjoying every minute of it!  And y'all... when we got finished we realized out of all the pictures that other people took - we did not have one photo of us together and of our family.  No, we don't have a picture to document that we were together celebrating, but we do have memories of that perfect afternoon!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Road trip!!

Since my kids were little, we have always been about a good road trip.  Some of my favorite memories were unplanned, spontaneous trips where I would put three kids in the car.  We didn't necessarily have a destination, and we all know I didn't have a plan.  We would just hop in the car and head towards somewhere. It might be that we headed to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and would stop to visit friends along the way or it may have been that we just went somewhere close by. But regardless...we laughed a lot, had fun, and made a lot of memories along the way! 

My kids have taken many road trips as they have gotten older.  J has road tripped across the northwestern U.S., C has taken trips in Alaska, and the princess and I - well... let's just say we have had many since she has been the only child at home.  You want to go to IKEA?  Okay... are we going to Atlanta or Memphis?  You want to go to the beach for 48 hours?  Sure... throw some stuff in a backpack and let's go! Oh and are any friends going with us? You know... the more the merrier!  Needless to say, these types of things drive my mom crazy!  Why on earth would I spontaneously throw kids in a car and drive?? Well...why not??

About a month ago, I had to have surgery on my foot (kind of unexpectedly) and had to be in Columbus, OH 2 weeks later for work.  No... the doctor didn't want me to fly and he really didn't want me to drive.  If I were to drive, I would have to stop every 45 minutes and walk for 15!!  Now... that turns a 6 hour drive into a lot longer!  As I was telling my mom what the doctor said, she just sat and listened.  After about 2 hours I received a text, it simply said, "I have cleared all of my activities.  I'm ready for a road trip!"  Y'all... my mouth hit the floor, this was on Sunday before I was leaving on Tuesday and my mom is a planner with a capital P!! But... she made it happen - just for me! 

We got in the car on Tuesday morning, and the first things she said was, "I have a snack bag." Now...I officially felt like I was 10 again - but I was completely okay with it.  We started the drive to Columbus, my foot propped up on the dashboard, cranked the music up, and laughed the whole way!  Now...I can tell you if it had not been for the surgery this may have never happened.  But honestly... I'm so glad it did - I love my mom dearly, and I'm sure I don't tell her enough!  The other thing that really stood out to me was when we arrive at the hotel, mom started unpacking her stuff and the first thing she unpacked was her Bible. Now...I think that's pretty amazing.  I really think part of God's plan was to tell me to slow down, spend time with the ones you love, and make some memories.

I say all of this to encourage everyone to stop and spend time with your loved ones.  You don't ever know when God will decide to call them home.  Take silly pictures and make memories! And most of all, as Mother's Day is approaching... if you are lucky enough to still have your mom with you - then let her know how much she is loved!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Let me tell you about my best friend...

Today is a special is my best friend's birthday!  When I think about her, so many things come to mind and honestly... it is even hard to put all those feelings into words. When I think about the qualities anyone would want in a best friend - she possesses every single one of them! 

For me... BTF is my partner in crime, a person I can laugh with (or at), cry with, and even yell at if that's what it takes for me to feel better.  She is the one that when everything is going wrong in the world (for either of us) we turn up the music and dance it out. She is the one that I can show up at her house uninvited and feel like she has been expecting me all day long. She is the one that when I am 2,000 miles from home sitting in a hospital with my dad who calls me and says, "I can be on a flight in 2 hours, and I will come sit with you" and she truly meant EVERY word! She is the one that when your kids get hurt (and you don't do blood) who goes into super mom mode to take care of your kids and clean up the blood. She is my honky-tonkin', last minute road-trippin', festival goin' partner.  She is the one who shows up at the hospital to sit with my mom and daughter, and hands me a Frosty after surgery just to make me feel better.  She is the one with will pray for you and with you. She is my forever person who I can be silly with and always be nothing except myself!  She is my rock and some days my life line to reality...the one who always shoots me straight (even if I don't like it). I celebrate her!  I thank God for her every day, and I thank Him for putting her in my life.  I hope that  everyone is lucky enough to have a friend like her! 

Happy Birthday BTF... I will always love you more!!


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Proud mom moment...

As a parent, you raise your kids and teach them the right things to do.  You teach them how to treat people and then, you hold your breath and hope they remember everything you taught them when the time comes.  Then, if you're lucky enough - you get to sit back and watch your sweet kid do the right thing and have a "proud mom moment" (which we all love)! Well...let me tell you about my moment.

This week has been exceptionally crazy for me. I went to the doctor on Monday because my left foot was swelling.  I honestly thought she would tell me to rest, elevate, put some ice on it and maybe have some meds to take. Well, that is NOT what happened at all!  I went to the doctor at 1:30 pm, was in x-ray at 2:30 pm, and a 4:15 pm received a phone call that I had an appointment with an orthopedist at 8:10 am on Wednesday morning. I got to the orthopedist, and within 3 hours, I had my pre-op and post-op instructions and surgery had been scheduled for Thursday at 1:00 pm (yes... that would be the next day) - definitely NOT what I had planned for my week! 

Thursday morning, I got up and headed to the hospital with my mom and the princess with me.  While we were waiting BTF arrived, and I had most of my people.  After that, there were hugs and I love you's and off to surgery I went. When I got out of surgery and home - that is where the fun and the proud mom moment began.  In my family, when you are told that you cannot put weight on your foot for the first 5 days or so - that means that you will have around the clock care! And... I am not exaggerating. It means that your crazy (and I mean that in a loving way) family, is going to go to the grocery store, cook, and do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. It means you get multiple texts and Snapchats from Alaska making sure that I'm okay from 3,144 miles away! It means that your bestie comes to the hospital to make sure that nothing is needed and not only did she take care of me - she made sure my family was taken care of. 

But, let me tell you about my sweet princess.  The doctor was very clear that for the first 3-4 days, I should take my pain meds every four hours to stay ahead of the pain. My sweet daughter has set her alarm every four hours throughout the night for the past two nights - to make sure I had what I needed.  She has slept on the couch (to be closer to my room) just in case I woke up and needed something.  My sweet girl has learned how to make coffee, has made sure she read all directions for antibiotics, pain meds and keeping aspirin in me as a blood thinner.  She has been the perfect nurse! In between her and J, they have made sure I have not spent a moment alone. They have made sure their back-up babysitters were here, before they left to go to work.  Yes... this week has definitely been one big proud mom moment as I have watched my kids act like the adults they are. 
I'm not sure what I have done to deserve this family and these friends of mine, but - I would not trade them for anything!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A little about my life...

I have been doing this blog thing for a while now, and yes - I write in spurts (according to my crazy schedule). But, for those that are new here and are just finding my craziness - here is just a little about this thing called "my life."

I am a single mom, living in "everyday America," and have a  crazy busy life. I have 3 terrific kids (who are not so little anymore), but let's face it - everyone has their share of drama and shenanigans. As a single mom, you face all kinds of things along the way. You are the mom, the dad, the money-maker, the disciplinarian, the good guy and the bad guy. You are the shoulder to cry on, the person to throw things at, the only one around to scream at. You are also, the one who gets all the joy and the love from those little (or not so little) people running around, that makes everything else I mentioned before worth while. I figure if I have all of this craziness going on in my everyday life, then some others might be going through the same craziness, just trying to make sense of it as well. Maybe me letting all my mistakes be known, just might help another mom not make the same ones along the way.  Maybe this will let someone know, that they are doing a good job with their kids, and it might just give them a little hope that it will all work out in the end. Or just maybe... someone out there, might be able to give me some advice along the way (which I promise to listen to and consider, even if I don't agree).

So, this is how "Shenanigans of a Single Mom" began. I will keep you updated as I try to juggle my 3 crazy kids, work, my "dating life" (or should I say "lack of dating life" - but may be improving) , and everything in between. I can promise you it will not be perfect, but it will be real and more than likely entertaining. 

Oh yeah... and for all you Army (military) moms out there - I will be giving some insight into the craziness and all the emotions of this Army mom life.  I am now loving life and would not change a thing!!

Welcome, please comment, and feel free to share any knowledge you have along the way! 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A picture is worth a thousand words...

The definition of the word photograph is, "a picture made using a camera, in which an image is focused onto film or other light-sensitive material and then made visible and permanent by chemical treatment, or stored digitally." 

My whole life I have heard..."a picture is worth a thousand words."   And, yes - I believe that statement is true.  A photograph can capture a moment in time... a moment you will never have again. A photo can capture the emotion and personality of the subject, and let you have a glimpse into someone else's life. A photo will allow people to look back and remember the documented events for years and generations to come.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I take way more photos than I probably should.  I want to capture and document as much of this life with my loved ones as possible - knowing that one day the photos are the only things I will have (besides my memories).

Last week, K and I sat down and went through an old box of pictures. There were picture of first birthdays, weddings, first days of kindergarten, welcome homes,  and some of my college and high school years.  I sat with her for hours, and relived some of those memories.  She sat and listened, and learned about some of the history of her family.  There were picture of my grandparents that she never met, and yes.., as we talked about them - tears were shed.  I reminded myself as we went through these, that I should be writing names and dates on the photos that we have printed.  Our digital photos should be documented as well.  One day... I will be gone and she will be able to look back and remember. 

I know that my sweet family (especially my boys) hate taking pictures, but I just keep thinking that we are not guaranteed tomorrow and I don't ever want to forget the things we have done, the looks on their faces.  More they look at photos one day of our family and friends - I want them to look at the photos and be able to see the unconditional love in each one!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

A very wise man (Vince Lombardi)

Tonight, I am sitting here thinking about everything that has happened in the last month, and let me just has been a crazy busy month! Our family got to have C home for holiday block leave for 14 days (which definitely is NOT enough time), we celebrated Christmas and New Years surrounded by family, friends and loved ones.   There was lots of laughter, love, and there were even some tears as it got closer to time for our soldier to head back to Alaska. K started her last semester of high school (which I am definitely NOT ready for), we have been on three college visits, and she has made a decision as to where she will start the next chapter in her life in the fall. I have watched J work, doing what he loves, and I have watched him make some tough "grown up" decisions.  I could not be more PROUD of my three kids...they are definitely my biggest accomplishment!  

In the middle of all of the happy times, I have also watched friends and loved ones struggle with heart ache and loss.  I have watched as they have laid their loved ones to rest and said goodbye. I have watched a person who has become very dear to me, handle extremely tough times with dignity and grace, and I could not be more proud of the person they are. 

Tonight, I was sitting at JH's house watching football and we started talking about Vince Lombardi and his speech "What It Takes to be Number One." I knew bits and pieces of it, but had never sat and listened to the entire speech. So... he read it to me:

"Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all of the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that's first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win.

Every time a football player goes to ply his trade he's got to play from the ground up - from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.

Running a football team is no different than running any other kind of organization - an army, a political party or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win - to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is.

It is a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That's why they are there - to compete. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules - but to win.

And in truth, I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat.

I don't say these things because I believe in the ‘brute' nature of men or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour -- his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear -- is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."

- Coach Vincent T. Lombardi

  As I was sitting there listening - I started thinking, "this speech is applicable to almost everything in life."  It applies to my job every day...I show up each morning, do my job to the best of my ability, and help entrepreneurs succeed.  It applies to my walk as a must give your heart to Jesus and with every fiber of your being live to honor and worship Him.  It applies to C's life as a must be smart and use your brain on a mission, but you also must have heart and discipline! I have sitting here thinking about everything that this speech means - I think this will be my goal moving forward into 2018...enjoy the grind, be disciplined, always use your head and your heart, never settle for second place, and ALWAYS strive to do your best! Yes...Vince Lombardi was a very smart man!