Sunday, February 23, 2014

Things I have learned...

As I am sitting here reflecting on my weekend away and getting ready to go home tomorrow, here are just a few of the things I have learned:

  • No matter the distance between friends... things are always the same when you are reunited. It is truly like no time has passed, and you are together on a daily basis like you used to be.
  • As we get older, we do not have the ability to stay out as long as we used to.  Yes... it is now 7:14 p.m. and we are both exhausted and ready for sleep.
  • As you reminisce about the events spanning over the last 15-20 years... they are even funnier now than they were before.  
  • We used to drink Irish Car Bombs and Lemon Drops... now, a simple glass of wine is perfect.
  • As we have watched our kids grow up, and we are much closer to the grandkid side of life than the kid side - we have decided we will never will be called Granny, Nanny, MeMaw, or MawMaw - we will be called Coco and Honey.  
  • After being exposed to a group of young 20 something's at a spa - we are hoping our 20 something's don't act that way and IF they do - hopefully someone will correct their actions. 
  • There are some images in life that you will never erase from your mind (can't even go into detail on what we were exposed to at above mentioned spa).
  • I am very blessed to have friends who love me unconditionally and accept me for who I am.
  • And last but not least... laughter is definitely good for the soul.
These are just a few of the things at the top of the list. Now... I am preparing to get back to work, and go home to all my loved ones that I miss. We have definitely made lots of new memories for us to laugh about for many more years to come!! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Reflecting on friends...

As I look back at my life, and I look at the friends I have made- there are truly some friendships that I will treasure for a lifetime.   There are friends who have been with me through thick and thin - births, deaths, divorce and everything in between.   There have been the friends who are only there when things benefit them, and there are friends who would give their all for you.   The beauty of friendship - is that you do not have to agree all the time.  There is no possible way that everyone will ALWAYS agree with each other.  The more you love people, the more prone you are to hurting people also.  Those are the ones that know which buttons to push and how to get a rise out of you.  Just because you do not agree with a person's actions - does not, under any circumstances, mean you do not still love them.  Most of my friends are different from me - and I am very thankful for that! With that being said, I respect  my friends opinions that are different than mine. I do not want to surround myself that are just like me.  This is the beauty  of life - there are all kinds of people, with all kinds of personalities.  Everyone has different opinions!

As part of human nature - we will all be hurt from time to time.  We will all disappoint ourselves and we will definitely disappoint others. The true friendships are the ones that weather the storms. They are the ones who realize everyone has a difference of opinion - as it is respected because of the mutual love they have for one another. The friends who can sit down with you, and talk your differences out are the ones that are "keepers".  They are the ones you can turn to, and you know they are always there! As we get older - we realize we have fewer friends than we think, and we realize it is the ones who love us (flaws and all) are the ones we want by our side!

There are childhood friends, high school friends and college friends, and then... I am blessed enough to have my sweet Kappa Delta sisters as well.  When God was putting all these people in my life 25+ years ago - I am certain He knew what He was doing, and knew that I would need these ladies later in life.

I am very grateful and have been very blessed to have amazing friends and I thank God for them every day!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


This morning, as I sit here - I am thinking about all the change that has happened in my life in the last eight years...all of the changes my kids have been through.  For those who know me, know that I do NOT like change.  Change happens for many reasons.  Some change you choose, some change you have no control over.  Change can be the result of finding love again, and moving into the next chapter of your life or a new job OR change can be a result of a broken marriage, it can be the result of your kids turning away from you, or it can be from an illness such as cancer.  As changes (big or small) happen, we tend to worry about them first and then turn to God.

When things happen in our lives, God doesn't promise that He will "fix" everything, He promises that He will give us peace. This does not mean our marriage will be repaired, it doesn't mean that we will be given a cure for cancer, and it doesn't mean it will bring your kids home.  What it does mean is that God will be with us as we go through these times.  We will feel His presence, hear His voice, and feel His love.  In Phillipians 4:6-7, the Bible tells us..."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

In order for you to be allowed to feel God's peace, we must be willing to hand our problems over to Him.  We must allow Him to be in control, and simply seek to do His will.  Although, this seems like such a simple task - we all know it is not!  So, I would challenge each of you this week - hand your worries over to Him, and have an open mind and heart to see what He has in store for you!  I can guarantee you, His plans are greater than your own!