Saturday, March 31, 2018

Proud mom moment...

As a parent, you raise your kids and teach them the right things to do.  You teach them how to treat people and then, you hold your breath and hope they remember everything you taught them when the time comes.  Then, if you're lucky enough - you get to sit back and watch your sweet kid do the right thing and have a "proud mom moment" (which we all love)! Well...let me tell you about my moment.

This week has been exceptionally crazy for me. I went to the doctor on Monday because my left foot was swelling.  I honestly thought she would tell me to rest, elevate, put some ice on it and maybe have some meds to take. Well, that is NOT what happened at all!  I went to the doctor at 1:30 pm, was in x-ray at 2:30 pm, and a 4:15 pm received a phone call that I had an appointment with an orthopedist at 8:10 am on Wednesday morning. I got to the orthopedist, and within 3 hours, I had my pre-op and post-op instructions and surgery had been scheduled for Thursday at 1:00 pm (yes... that would be the next day) - definitely NOT what I had planned for my week! 

Thursday morning, I got up and headed to the hospital with my mom and the princess with me.  While we were waiting BTF arrived, and I had most of my people.  After that, there were hugs and I love you's and off to surgery I went. When I got out of surgery and home - that is where the fun and the proud mom moment began.  In my family, when you are told that you cannot put weight on your foot for the first 5 days or so - that means that you will have around the clock care! And... I am not exaggerating. It means that your crazy (and I mean that in a loving way) family, is going to go to the grocery store, cook, and do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. It means you get multiple texts and Snapchats from Alaska making sure that I'm okay from 3,144 miles away! It means that your bestie comes to the hospital to make sure that nothing is needed and not only did she take care of me - she made sure my family was taken care of. 

But, let me tell you about my sweet princess.  The doctor was very clear that for the first 3-4 days, I should take my pain meds every four hours to stay ahead of the pain. My sweet daughter has set her alarm every four hours throughout the night for the past two nights - to make sure I had what I needed.  She has slept on the couch (to be closer to my room) just in case I woke up and needed something.  My sweet girl has learned how to make coffee, has made sure she read all directions for antibiotics, pain meds and keeping aspirin in me as a blood thinner.  She has been the perfect nurse! In between her and J, they have made sure I have not spent a moment alone. They have made sure their back-up babysitters were here, before they left to go to work.  Yes... this week has definitely been one big proud mom moment as I have watched my kids act like the adults they are. 
I'm not sure what I have done to deserve this family and these friends of mine, but - I would not trade them for anything!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A little about my life...

I have been doing this blog thing for a while now, and yes - I write in spurts (according to my crazy schedule). But, for those that are new here and are just finding my craziness - here is just a little about this thing called "my life."

I am a single mom, living in "everyday America," and have a  crazy busy life. I have 3 terrific kids (who are not so little anymore), but let's face it - everyone has their share of drama and shenanigans. As a single mom, you face all kinds of things along the way. You are the mom, the dad, the money-maker, the disciplinarian, the good guy and the bad guy. You are the shoulder to cry on, the person to throw things at, the only one around to scream at. You are also, the one who gets all the joy and the love from those little (or not so little) people running around, that makes everything else I mentioned before worth while. I figure if I have all of this craziness going on in my everyday life, then some others might be going through the same craziness, just trying to make sense of it as well. Maybe me letting all my mistakes be known, just might help another mom not make the same ones along the way.  Maybe this will let someone know, that they are doing a good job with their kids, and it might just give them a little hope that it will all work out in the end. Or just maybe... someone out there, might be able to give me some advice along the way (which I promise to listen to and consider, even if I don't agree).

So, this is how "Shenanigans of a Single Mom" began. I will keep you updated as I try to juggle my 3 crazy kids, work, my "dating life" (or should I say "lack of dating life" - but may be improving) , and everything in between. I can promise you it will not be perfect, but it will be real and more than likely entertaining. 

Oh yeah... and for all you Army (military) moms out there - I will be giving some insight into the craziness and all the emotions of this Army mom life.  I am now loving life and would not change a thing!!

Welcome, please comment, and feel free to share any knowledge you have along the way! 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A picture is worth a thousand words...

The definition of the word photograph is, "a picture made using a camera, in which an image is focused onto film or other light-sensitive material and then made visible and permanent by chemical treatment, or stored digitally." 

My whole life I have heard..."a picture is worth a thousand words."   And, yes - I believe that statement is true.  A photograph can capture a moment in time... a moment you will never have again. A photo can capture the emotion and personality of the subject, and let you have a glimpse into someone else's life. A photo will allow people to look back and remember the documented events for years and generations to come.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I take way more photos than I probably should.  I want to capture and document as much of this life with my loved ones as possible - knowing that one day the photos are the only things I will have (besides my memories).

Last week, K and I sat down and went through an old box of pictures. There were picture of first birthdays, weddings, first days of kindergarten, welcome homes,  and some of my college and high school years.  I sat with her for hours, and relived some of those memories.  She sat and listened, and learned about some of the history of her family.  There were picture of my grandparents that she never met, and yes.., as we talked about them - tears were shed.  I reminded myself as we went through these, that I should be writing names and dates on the photos that we have printed.  Our digital photos should be documented as well.  One day... I will be gone and she will be able to look back and remember. 

I know that my sweet family (especially my boys) hate taking pictures, but I just keep thinking that we are not guaranteed tomorrow and I don't ever want to forget the things we have done, the looks on their faces.  More they look at photos one day of our family and friends - I want them to look at the photos and be able to see the unconditional love in each one!